I need help.I play on xbox a TR.My stats special crit sev and crit strike are always the same, whether in battle or not.Goristo Helmet and ribcage not working.
i play a Rogue on xbox.My stats special crit sev crit strike and acurracy always the same,wether i am in combat or stand still.Goristos helmet and the ribcage armor do not stack.whats the issue?
i have a bug with my stats.I play a Rogue on xbox an my crit sev crit strike and accuracy always the same,wether i am in combat or stand still.Goristos helmet and the ribcage armor do not stack.Need help pls.
Stat bug on my Rogue.My crit sev crit strike and accuracy always the same whether i am in combat or stand still.Goristos helmet and the ribcage armor do not stack.
I need help with my rogue.my stats special crit sev crit strike accuracy always the same whether in combat or stand still.Goristos helmet and ribcage do not stack.
I need help.i play a TR on xbox.My Stats special crit sev and crit strike are always the same, whether in battle or not.Goristo helmet and ribcage do not stack.