Well, I think they screwed a lot of players with this event. They tell us about it with barely enough time to even try and get in, and even after getting in some people didn't even get in a guild in time. So, an event that is announced and ran that most didn't even get to attempt to log in and what do the participants get?…
I really do wish that one of each class was the optimal way. GF on boss, TR dps boss, CW gather/lock adds, GWF destroy adds, and the DC keeps everyone in the fight. Would be awesome to see such group synergy in this game. Hopefully the devs listen to the players and fix what needs fixing. Until then however, the meta game…
It definitely feels different. I was running Spiders and noticed I was taking far more damage than normal. Even got one shot a few times. It's either the damage was increased for mobs in T2 dungeons or some dev messed up an armor penetration code and now mobs are ignoring any mitigations. That's just my guess though.
You'll be glad to know that the expansion coming out, the Feywild, they are introducing new weapon skins for classes. Shortswords, axes, hammers, etc. Seems pretty cool so far.
You want to aim for about 22-24% ap and get crit as close to 50% as you can. Especially if you gear for Vorpal enchants. Get the Swashbuckling armor set and don't worry about recovery. The armor 2 piece bonus and the 4 piece proc is a huge boost to Recovery on it's own. So high in fact that it starts to hit diminishing…
Really? You must play with some terrible TR's then. Don't get me wrong, GF dps is pretty solid. Too good for a tank in fact. The damage a GF does SHOULD be the damage a GWF does. But saying that a GF out dps' a TR is false. I run CN at least 3-5 times a day (Try to anyway, usually 2-3), and I'm always a few million ahead…
Not sure what game you are playing but I've done all the dungeons and I'm gear capped completely. I have never been beaten in dps by any class as a TR. Ever. A GWF is very useful for gathering up adds with the CW and face tanking the group. But dps wise, not even close.
What 'actual' dnd game do you play? Because I can guarantee you that those 'low damage daggers' will out damage any mage in 3e-4e. And little health and little defense? They have more health than the mages that's for sure, and they have the highest achievable armor class in the game. Both 3e and 4e. High dex + ac bracers…
Luskan of course. I remember reading the Drow Trilogy and the fateful meeting of Drizzt and Captain Deudermont in Luskan, and the trip to Calimport that followed. Man I miss having so much time to read....
Translation: SE is total HAMSTER now. Instead of reducing damage gradually and testing the effects for balance on live, they decided that completely gutting it was the appropriate, irrational response.... Just Lurkers....
It's not high damage. They give up a lot to go perma. My pure dps build can kill much faster (2-3 shot anyone) than they can. But they are built for survivability....and that's the point.
You think that damage is 'really low' for a tank class? Wow, you do realize you just said that about a tank class right? Just wow.... P.S. - Are you sure you know it's a tank class? /mindboggled
You are.....wow....just..... The best rogue in FR was Artemis Entreri. He mud stomped every **** person he ran into. Even facerolled Drizzt....twice, killed 4 archmages, 6 weapon masters (Fighters), and was even feared by the Drow. The rogue was never a joke. If you honestly believe that then you have never played with a…
You mean like choke/stun/kd from 100-0? Or you just advocating a nerf to another class as long as your cc's are left untouched? You are a hypocrite. You want perma stealth/CoS gone? Remove the choke/stun/kd from every other class.
What he's trying to say, and what you are completely failing to understand, is that ALL classes have cc that completely shut you down. The fact that you are ignoring all other cc and complaining about the TR proves that you just want to keep your cc and deny anyone else the same. You know exactly what he means. You just…
So you chose to play a PvE focused game and do nothing but play PvP? I'll never understand PvPer's.... And they have ranged attacks because they have them in 4e. They can choose to be ranged or melee at anytime. Why do players like you keep assuming that rogues are strictly melee? No where, in any book/game/pnp content…
Ruined your PvP? This is a PvE game 'bro'. And it was PvP players that got the DC nerfed. They *****ed for weeks about how it was op to stack AS and sit at a point. The PvE players *****ing about AS stacking wanted it gone so more classes/tactics were viable in epic content. Not to nerf a class to save our e-peen. Any…
In full t2's and run with the same group I have been for awhile now. Still topping the damage. GWF got some buffs, but I'm still ahead by a good amount. I can't say if they are the best GWF/GF out there. But I know I'm still rocking the dps.
Telling me to learn common sense then you go on about how an AoE HYBRID class should outdamage a PURE striker class? LOL Please tell me you are trolling...if not...gods you are stupid. And as for ST outdamaging AoE classes...yes they do. Play any game and show me what AoE class does this. Go ahead. And the point of the GWF…
And the children want a class that has everything. Go ahead and tell everyone that you don't want the highest mitigations, hps and damage for your GWF/GF. Go ahead. Lying seems to be your strong point...
Why is it wrong? In what rule book does it say that an AoE class should outdamage a ST class? Show me... Imho, a good balance would be two striker classes, one focuses on ST and one on AoE. They both do the same damage in their role. Example: If TR hits for 1000, then the GWF should hit 5 targets for 200. Then calculate…
For about the billionth time....GWF is a striker/defender hybrid designed to AoE tank 'loose' mobs. You are NOT designed to do the dps of a pure striker. My god...how hard is that for people to fathom?
You want the REAL truth of the matter? GWFs don't give up a **** thing to do damage. How is having the highest mitigations and defensive skills/feats 'giving' up anything? As usual, the idiots that play warrior classes want everything. I find it amusing how you want the TR damage nerfed, but they have the second LOWEST…
And why not? ST damage has always been stronger than AoE damage in any game. AoE is small damage to many targets in an effected area. St is high damage done to one target. I can definitely see them being equal in damage. That would be great. But AoE doing more damage overall? Again, how is that right? And the GWF is not a…
Exactly the same can be said for GWFs or CWs. Hell, my CW is far easier to play in t2s than my TR. I hardly ever have to move. I just stand there and pop Singularity and destroy mobs. Out of all the classes I play (GWF, TR, DC, CW) the TR was the hardest to play out of all of them come t2's. I had to move so often because…
I love how people keep saying that rogues should only do top damage in stealth/ca, yet when we do top damage from stealth/ca people ***** that it's too much. Wtf? So by your post, you want the rogues to do the LEAST amount of damage no matter what position they are in?