Thanks for the info, folks! I messed up the wording in question 2. I did in fact mean Item Level. I'll send my newly level 70 CW on the Unwelcome Guest quest (I already knew about that), and see how it goes. I have no issues leveling. In fact, getting to 70 is too fast, in my opinion, but heck, I just started playing, so…
I got all the items you sent and thanks so much. I'm not quite high enough to use all of that stuff, but I do have storage space. Thanks so much! As for gold, the only thing I need it for is to sell on the AH, and funds for the Workshop / crafting (which so far are minimal though I could sure use another Alchemist, which I…
I am on PC, and gosh darn, I should have stated that. Sorry! And Silverkelt, you offer for assistance is awesome. I started with professions because I ALWAYS craft in games. I just want to get it started, and when it starts to cost, I'll put it on hold until I am more stable. I can assure you, I have not hit 35 by sitting…