Hello! Myself and a friend are looking to join your guild if you have spots available! We are are formerly from a small guild and would love to join. We are both active, level 70, one being a gwf 2600 and a sw 2400. Please pm gt CyberSkeith and ImmortlSlayr. Thank you! Hope to hear from you soon!
I am founder member of a fairly new guild, Laidback Adventurers, and although I cannot offer what the other guilds can, with boons and perks , what we do offer is companionship, good times and always a place to call home. I am always on during the week late EST, and available to run with any member of my guild and try to…
I am always willing to help. On vacation but will be back on in a week. Usually run dailies to help my guild on weeknights est and sunday afternoon and night. Feel free to pm me GT-ImmortlSlayr