Figured out the issue. If another player mails you the potions you're unable to use them. Ended up selling them and buying potions on my own. No problem with them.
I'd totally play a Warlock or a Ranger. I don't know much about the Ranger class in Neverwinter.. but not sure if a Ranger not being "Ranged" actually computes in my head, lol.
I think Ranger would possibly make more sense to release first as there is already a caster to play where Ranger would be something a little different as far as ranged DPS goes.
You take that back! I'll have to punish you. ;_; In all seriousness I am no way a WoW Fan Girl. But some of the best times I had in WoW was during 40 man raids in Classic as well as the Burning Crusade raiding content. I haven't raided since Wrath of the Lich King minus a few "Looking for Raid" queues. It isn't what it use…
I agree! If my husband didn't game.. oh man. I know it wouldn't be the most horrible thing ever.. but not having someone to share your passion with would be up there. I play games WAY more than my husband though but we met in WoW about 7 years ago. He was a chubby Moonkin in need of loving. >.>
I'd love bigger raids. I voted for 15-20.. though sadly a lot of people's computers couldn't handle it. Options would be nice though for those who could handle a 20-man.
I bet! I remember being a teen girl. :) My son is VERY helpful when it comes to stuff like preparing for the baby and helping me clean so excited to have him be so eager. Was worried he would take it poorly being an only child for so long has spoiled him a bit.
No! I have a 5 year old. Thankfully, I am a very hyper person who doesn't require but a few hours of rest a night. I can already tell this baby might be a night owl as it's when he is most active right now.
I'm about 30 minutes from downtown St. Louis.. so I know all about them crazy Tornadoes. Just went through one the other night. Anyway! I am 7 months pregnant so figured hell why not you guys seem mature enough of a community to not make fun of me, lol. Here is a very silly one of me about to game.
I don't think it's ever TMI. Everyone should be comfortable in their own home. :P Unless of course you're using your phone at Wal-Mart to post on the forums while you shop for peanutbutter and spam.