Ah Neverwinter, I was almost considering coming back- but after reading this and realizing how little you've changed in a year... How does a game based on one of the most community based role playing systems ever made, manage to be one of the most toxic when it comes to in game support for community building? Leader only…
A crafting system that makes two items people want- shirts and pants. No, that's not a good crafting system. The mats to make blue items are unbelievably rare- you're going to vastly outlevel any gear you can make anyway- so crafting isn't any good for levelling gear- and endgame the shirt/pants are the only worthwhile…
There is literally nothing to do for a solo player at max level- there's epic dungeons, and botfest- I mean pvp. The pvp has no reward, you can't even sell the stuff anymore- and the gear is the worst tier epic gear there is. Only advancement is through epic dungeons- and if you pug, you'll get ninjad, booted or people…
OP, do you really think Neverwinter's would ban someone for no reason? Do you think the scripts they run that auto ban people have any sort of flaw that would have accidentally banned someone who was innocent? Come on, obviously they'd never have that sort of coding issue. Hence why there are no exploits or problems with…
OP pretty much nailed exactly how the game would turn out. If this game even had a box fee- no more mule accounts to avoid bans, no hundreds of accounts to farm up leadership AD, gold farmers being chat banned would mean something because they'd have to dish out 60 dollars every time it happened to be able to spam again.…
Well, you DO need purple and blue quality assets in order to make the best- tier 3- gear from crafting- you literally can't make the best gear without. What you will never need though is the time related blue and purple leatherworkers and tailors. That said- to make a single third tier man, you need to make 16 first tier,…
Mostly agreed, except for the too easy to level part. If you power level of course you'll level fast- try taking your time. Level through skirmishes, foundry and dungeon delves- it'll take you ten times longer. You're the one choosing to take the absolute fastest path to level 60, then complain that you've taken the…
The way the circles distort on see through ground, like the icy ground in the dungeon the OP mentioned- does indeed make it harder to see it- though that's a separate issue from the colour itself.
They could wipe- at least that way they'd prove not only did they fail to fix a dozen exploits we reported before the game went live, but that they also lied about there being no more wipes. And thousands of chargebacks would occur.
There's way too much trash as well. What made trash more reasonable in other games? First off- they dropped decent coin, these trash here don't. Second- they had a decent chance to drop epics in endgame dungeons- these ones just drop horrible greens. Third- Sometimes they could be skinned for rare materials Fourth- A…
OP- as you said, it's in Beta. If you got banned, just make a new account when launch hits! After all, you weren't going to keep all those items you exploited or the level 60s you got in two hours, right?
Hai guis, I just came to this game and haven't been effected by all the exploits that have been reported for months but still made it not only to launch, but a month into launch- I'm having fun, so you're all whiners. Kthx bai.
ITT- a bunch of exploiters who hit 60 in a few hours through foundry, used negative AD to buy t2 gear and the best enchants within moments of hitting endgame- and then act surprised that they were able to win at pvp against people with half their GS, and beat every dungeon with ease- no doubt double stacking AS while using…
I take less issue to how revealing it is- and more issue to how little variation there is- it all looks the same. Also- the holes in the gear are largely pointless- why are there random gaps in plate and mail armour? Personally, I actually think the cloth and leather armour are the most reasonable looking- it's the plate…
New exploit discovered- bidding on everything that's 25 AD or less at all times just in case the AH goes down due to other exploits and you get potentially millions of AD worth of items for pennies. It's an exploit, within an exploit- exploitception.
A wipe means nothing now- exploiters have bought millions of zen, taken it out of game or sold it. Do a wipe- and exploiters keep everything they have, buy all the AD in the market, and you're in an even worse spot than we are now.
There's really nobody you can blame but the saboteurs who have spammed both the forums and zone chat with 'GWF is completely useless, never bring one'. I honestly don't get it- in a game where 90% of pulls or more have 5+ monsters, the class with the highest aoe damage isn't welcome? Entirely on the people whining about…
Good luck with a ticket- I'd say you'll be waiting a month to get it answered, but in all likehood you'll be waiting a month before you can even submit it without it failing. You know a game has problems when the system that allows you to report the problems doesn't work. /facepalm
This right here- this wasn't unintentional, Cryptic knows what they're doing, and what they're doing is making money. Oh boy, are they ever making money.
There's one battle type, two very simple maps, and very little time put into balancing- sorry OP, but I don't think Cryptic 'wasted' a whole lot of time on this feature.
Sometimes I just go down the list, and report spam every single person in zone chat, just for the heck of it. Other times, I report people with dumb names. Sometimes I just report people whose names start with the letter K. At least, that's what I'd do if I was a jerk, but thank goodness there's no jerks on the interwebz-…