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  • The problem isn't actually connection, it is animation. lots of GWF abilities (most notably wicked strike) will allow you to move before you have completed the animation, but then realize you aren't done with the animation, so you get rubberbanded back. This really needs to be fixed otherwise IV destroyer GWF has pretty…
  • This bug (which I have been reporting since the first patch) seems to happen to anyone using AMD 8xxx CPUs. Really hope it gets fixed soon so I can get on preview without having to use an old laptop that can barely even run the game at lowest settings.
  • Well said. I have actually soloed all the epic T1 and two of the epic T2 dungeons, but I didn't really take screenshots at the time. I think you were one of the few people who actually got the point of my thread, so I thank you for that.
  • I have 0 rank 10's, 0 orange artifacts, and have only bought the feywild pack (Because i wanted a unicorn and fashion clothes) and $10 of zen for the account bound stones. I didn't pay for any sort of advantage. Please don't make these sort of baseless accusations, especially when they are dead wrong. Don't believe me? Go…
  • Anyone remember GWF before mod 2? Oh, that's right, there were none, because it was the absolute weakest class. All this "About time" "They deserve it" and "Justice has been served" nonsense is complete rubbish. Yes, GWF has been rather powerful recently, but I don't think people realize how fragile a throne they sit on.…
  • One of the crashes seems to affect anyone using an AMD 8xxx CPU. The client will crash to desktop when trying to load any character.
  • Confirmed, issue still exists after latest patch. Seems to affect everyone with an AMD 8xxx CPU.
  • Timer being broken is a known bug, you can go confirm it for yourself. I find it kind of sad how all everyone seems to want to do is make insults or try to discredit me. I am not some elitist who leaves groups when they wipe, and I play every class. I can honestly say that what I did could have been done with any class,…
  • Any news on when the pixel shader issue is going to be fixed? Kinda hard for people to test things when lots of us cannot even get on the test server. I personally have had to use an old laptop just to get on, which is not optimal at all. Edit: the crash issue seems to apply to anyone with a AMD 8xxx CPU.
  • Timer is broken, it took me about 40 minutes, most of which I was also chatting during. I used 0 potions, and didn't even use buffs outside of pocket pet and tymora's coin. Probably could have been done in about 30 if I had been really trying to speedrun it. Everyone else: if you go back and actually read what I wrote,…
  • As I stated, I cannot enter EDV solo. However, I have soloed all the epic T1 dungeons as well as PK and Karru. I don't know if EDV would be doable solo, but I have done most of the last boss fight as the only one alive and beaten it, so it could probably be done. Just would take forever. Also, Dread Vault is offered as the…
  • Well, I might as well just post this (again) so that when it gets moved out it will be there for those reading the other posts there. 1) Iron Vanguard is a paragon available to ALL fighters, as is Swordmaster. GWF and GF are both fighters. Please stop saying "GWF stole IV", because it simply isn't true. Both have equal…
  • My GWF already runs around in a frilly dress! (everyone knows the most important thing is to look good!) Also, hoping its not just announcing warlocks (I can read the preview client files *wink wink*) but also shows us what some of the mod 4 content will look like. As was usually the case with another game that will remain…
  • Disclaimer: The following is based on a few assumptions (based on information available at the time of posting) Disclaimer: The following is mostly focused on PvE, though some PvP issues will be addressed. The majority of what is discussed does not effect pvp anyways, so this is mostly a non-issue. Assumption #1: The…
  • This is a tricky one, as mod 4 will bring major changes to GWF in a few weeks. Currently, the best choice for pve dps GWF is Iron Vanguard Destroyer, but it is hard to really say if that will be true in mod 4. That said, GWF is a very fun class to play, especially if you like to be in the thick of battle. Nerfs and buffs…
  • I hate to say this, but you might want to go look up what a 4e Great Weapon Fighter is in D&D. They have access to the Iron Vanguard paragon just like all other fighters. So, they didn't "steal" your ability, they technically should have always had it. That said, GWF does hit harder, because, well, they use a bigger weapon.
  • While we are at it, I think it is about time we made instigator not suck. Destroyers have damage, Sentinels have defense, Instigators have... what? There doesn't really seem to be much direction to this path, and the capstone doesn't really make sense for a class that relies on taking damage. Seems like that sort of thing…
  • Seems some of my feedback posts got removed too, but no worries, I will just repost most of what I was trying to get across after my next round of testing. Probably just got removed because they would have been confusing without the context. Thanks Ambi for cleaning this up, it was getting distracting from the real issues.…
  • A lot of this is simply tenacity. My Destroyer GWF has 43% base damage resist in pvp + 21% from tenacity. That puts me at 64% damage resist before any buffs or unstoppable, not even including deflect. When tenacity was added, I don't think people realized that making everyone tankier would do just that, make everyone…
  • Allow me to direct you to my earlier post (http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?692681-Official-Feedback-Thread-Great-Weapon-Fighter-Changes&p=8257621&viewfull=1#post8257621) Your statement is basically completely against the definition of what the class is supposed to be. A fighter in full heavy body armor…
  • 3k regen comes out to just under 15% So, pointless. Also I doubt it would even be possible on a GWF.
  • So, what I don't understand is why the fighter with a massive two handed weapon is supposed to hit for the same as the fighter with a sword and shield, even with the same skill. That change just doesn't make sense. Yes, GWF versions hit significantly harder, mainly because GWF has higher base weapon damage and usually…
  • So, after a few hours on test last night, I have a few things to share. I was not able to get ACT parses as I was only able to get on test on a laptop that was struggling to run the game. However, I did get a good bit of testing done. I tested at 3 different levels: 19k (basically my current live gear), 15k (middle of the…
  • One thing I don't think is being properly looked at with the sprint thing is: in unstoppable, we can still be doing damage, or anything else. Sprint is just a simple re-positioning, and does not last long at all, even if only used in short bursts. So, this really amounts to another nerf to GWF dps.
  • A very good point. I actually tested this, grabbed a full set of level 60 blues and some rank 4 enchants, which ended up with my GS around 12k (I still had boons, but unequipped my artifacts and used white/green companions to compensate). I didn't feel overpowered at all. I couldn't solo rooms, and I certainly wasn't…
  • This isn't useful, and isn't the answer. If anything, this will cause more pvp QQ than there is now. Also, I would like to question how this really goes with the spirit of the class. A class that is based around being a front line melee fighter that can take a lot of damage and do a lot of damage... gets a buff to running…
  • I put one point in Deep Gash because it helps to stack stuff like Destroyer's Purpose and Rampaging Madness, and the DoT is nice to have in pvp. To get much use out of 5/5 Deep Gash you need to stack an insane amount of power (to the tune of 10k+), so there is not much reason to put more than one point in.
  • My utility slots are darks. Ancient jewelry comes from Castle Never. You shouldn't really worry too much about your stats until you hit level 60 and have your full set(s). Then comes the time to play with the stats to get everything just right. No point in trying to maximize the potential of gear you will soon not be using.
  • I get the same issue with an 8350 and a 580GTX. Seems to be a new bug, and I don't see anything in common with the hardware of the people reporting it. Please fix this as soon as possible, as no settings whatsoever work, I have literally spent hours trying different things trying to get it working to no avail.
  • 140621 05:48:41 13 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit() As far as I am aware this is just saying that it crashed.