You guys seriously need to start padding your estimates more. o.o Why not just go ahead and assume it will take all day and keep anything less as a pleasant surprise?
Player housing from quests, eh? Could probably be a good idea for the future, in the meantime you can probably create a foundry mission to use as a home of your own. (Seriously, foundry rocks)
*Aforementioned necessary bump* I'm not the OP, but I'd like to suggest that you bring forth your own suggestions here to keep the thread on the first page. And because it's fun and we can work on refining them and spotting flaws.
Precisely - I enjoy this game immensely, but if they claim there are guarantees, and it turns out they lied to you and do not even try to provide an explanation or otherwise be transparent about their problems, then I don't see any reason why I'd sink any money into it. Before customer service, this was the very first game…
But new customers will also shy away and the players will be far less likely to invest money into their characters. It's not about stopping the flow of money so much as make it known that we'd give them more if they would better themselves. I considered getting a founders pack myself, but with all the customer service…
We could just quote the suggestion we like with a "+1" or "-1" if they actually dislike it and have the OP (for example) post how many such "upvotes" and "downvotes" (kept track of individually) each suggestion has gotten every now and then. We'll just have to keep bumpin' it, then.
I appreciate that you want to give the OP advice, but why is your gut-reaction that he's an idiot that is merely whining or that behavior like this from any company is okay when they're short-staffed? The very least they could do in such a case is tell him that they're short staffed and that they'll they're trying their…
I'll just put a link here, since most of us are lazy HAMSTER, and making it just a click away greatly increases the chance you'll actually look it up. :P
I definitely agree with this, and have a suggestion to help keep the community as nice and helpful as it is now. If you wish to keep the nice and "clean" community, one of the simpler ways is to introduce a standard code of conduct of being generally helpful. It doesn't have to be wordy or anything like that, it can be…