HOw about joining a good guild?! PRESTO! no more issues with this. My above suggestion might require minimal social skills and a little bit of work looking for one, but payoff is well worth it.
Yea, the value of these items is at almost nothing so why bother 'fixing' this anyhow? as you said, it lets new 60's gear up to decent levels real cheap which IMO isnt a huge issue. Hopefully we can buy and salvage at least then?
Devs need to start BUFFING other classses that need it rather than nerfing TR more like they did today. Decoy now dies in 1 hit. They should give all TRs a free respec. I am a big supporter of this game but holy hell, someone with some experience in PW please explain to the Devs how nerfing a class to the ground is not a…
OK so reading between the lines here "I fought a GWF and I'm a ****, he could own us because he was geared high and skilled so I decided to try and get them nerfed by pretending I am a GWF who wants a nerf on myself" OK Got the scam.
What is ruining the economy is lack of new players in the game who don't already have equipment, very little content(5x T2 dungeons and CN to grind endlessly) and the WTF were they thinking disaster of Gauntylgrym. Add new content and actually market this game is the only thing to keep it from going down the tubes.
When the ROLE of a class is high single target dps and you lower that class' DPS to be on par with GWF/GF then you have removed it's role. For PvP they just needed to fix the Impact Shot/Lurker's Assault glitch rather than giving the TR its 2nd major nerf in a few months.
Asking players to chose between only 6 dungeons months on end and not take shortcuts through terrain or by some other means is just stupid. People play this game because it is not an Asian grindfest type game, but with little content and slow development on the Devs part means players are stuck repeating it over and over.…
Play2Win haha. I must admit I thought this was another thread by some QQ'er who cant seem to do T2's to buy stuff. This game has faults, but being hard to access everything without paying is not one of them.
I personally ignore Zone chat unless I am looking to buy something in town. Please just save yourself more embarrassment and stop showing us what a fool you are. Bots, yes. 83/100 = lie.
Same problem last night. Killed every boss and mob on way there, no anchor. My guess is Devs put in a bad fix to people bypassing content which actually prevents legit players from doing it now.
My Cleric can solo heal every dungeon. I admit the proc-based healing of our only paragon tree is offputting at first, but once you get used to it a DC is a very effective healer so long as the other players understand how to get healed(ie attack things with Astral Seal on them, Stay in Blue Astral Shield circles, stay…
Exactly which is why forcing them to level up for hours to spam 1 line will reduce the spam by 95% and when they do it, they will only spam a line or two which is managable. RE: Osiabunny - that is why i specifically pointed out that they have bot programs which auto-create accounts and once they get several hundred they…
I hope more players post videos such as this and spark debate on boss fight strategies which in turn should improve the PUG/Guild success rates. I do like a challenging boss fight but I also hope it is challenging because the Devs plan it out carefully. Glad we could help.
Funny, .001% of community has this problem and it is the Devs fault? Google solutions to your problem instead of complaining that it is the Devs fault when there is no evidence it is the game.…
Devs have not cracked down on alt accounts and bot farming. IMO, game gives too much bonus to those with gear rather than skill. PvE is still insanely good though so hopefully they add more PvE content ASAP.
Ancient council - 50+ active L60's - Run T2's/CN - Most players will be gearing towards PvP in coming months but not required - Teamspeak is required for Dungeons, at least until we run them enough so we are all on same page then if you cant login thats fine. mail/whisper Grommet@hurk97 or Kevorkian@hurk97 for more
Ancient Council might be a good fit for you. We use TS3 We have some of best PvE players in the game for DC/CW/TR (if not the best, i havent grouped with better but could be out there) We will be focusing more on PvP in coming month mail/whisper Grommet@hurk97 or Kevorkian@hurk97 in game.
I like the idea. To those who claim it was 'fixed', yes for class specific gear it was, but on duplicate class items(t2 set piece you already are wearing and need on again because it is your class), belts, rings, neck pieces all can be needed on by anyone.