What you experienced was a hit a run play through. i.e. Run to the bosses a fast as possible to get done quickly. To answer the question "are all dungeons like this": - yes to a point. Most players that run the epics have played them 100s of time and know where everything is and how to avoid some if not all of it. More or…
I've seen folks use CoP more often now since the nerf. Myself I still use BO and still have no problem with it except at Orcus (mostly due to being with a under geared group). My rotation is TW, BO, smite/BL/ or bane it's situational on the last encounter. I've even had to run TW, BO, and CoP to get a group through CN.…
I myself play a really well rounded prot pally ( which comes in second or third in dps depending on group set up). I have seen Devo pallies run with high crit and arpen. I'm not a expert on Devo but that may be a route to go for the crit heal aspect. Also to answer the stack HP, that isn't a bad thing to stack for palidins…
I can lend some info to answer this. The reason most go justice over the bulwark is the cap stone. The justic tree also allows for faster divine call build up, for quicker encounters. This means fast temp hp and a easy of play ( well reckless play). Me myself I play the old meta of justice with some light thrown in.…
This is a great group of people here. I'm one of the senior members. Toon: John Shieldheart 2.9k OP. I haven't been on due to family issues lately, but again great group. These guys will help anyone at a drop of a hat, I can't complain at all. Very well coordinated and friendly
I agree the nerfs are annoying. Honestly just adapt to them. We all know they will do as they seem fit to do, regardless of our input. Just adapt, do give up on the pally, and tank or heal away.
Broken HEs in the new content? I haven't had any problems. I've tans only three HE farm in only Bryn area and already have two boots. Or are you talking about the lag with some when the respawn. If it's that, then that tends to be an issue that pops up now and again
There was a glitch or stuff work weird with binding oath and Orcus. With in the first 10sec or so of the fight Orcus could one shot through binding oath. Not really sure if it's a glitch or just due to the lagging effect Orcus has at time but that could be your problem. Next time have the paladin use a tank companion to…
Soonergm. Utilizing life steal??? I never thought of using that. I been building up deflect, that's helps a lot. But life steal hmmm makes the gears turn. Sounds very interesting.
Pallys are a great class to play...... Over-powered not so much. Yes we can almost survive most thing that hit us but, most pally toon utilize the Paladin's damage adsorbtion ability to do this(i.e. Binding oath, and building a huge amount of temp hp). Threat is still a problem for most, but that can be worked around with…
All the guys above have good points. I would agree with getting that resistance ignored as close to 60% as possible. Other wise you will be just running around beating mobs with a wet spaghetti noodle. (for me that's a no go). Like Justawilly said about the power/recovery working with aura of gifts works real well in group…
I'm with soonergm here. I have no problem being a asset to groups. I'm 2845 ilvl and tank like a boss. I personally don't have any problem picking up a group to run with. This is within my guild alliance or other wise. The nerf hammer has its sites on another class and we still do what we pallys are ment to do. Tank well…
Another thing forgot to mention. • you can also get you crit up some to help with you damage output, this can get to a decent lvl with a combo of restro and ward gear. • bind oath will kill you if you don't pay attention to it ( time it once it is popped). Figured you know this but with the Templar wrath, binding oath…
Don't know if you are trolling or not, but I will try to lend some advice. 1. Check your gear lay out. Armor enchant should be shadow clad or negation if you are having trouble with survival........I run negation ( the normal one nothing special) and I run with a mix of restro and ward armor. 2. Check you arp stat try and…
You only get lucky once it seems, got the legendary mount pack and epic art pack within the first five. This was the last time the glorious box came out. Now I only get shafted.
As "never" put it sums it up. Don't drink from the koolade that one path is better than the other. If done the way you want you can be an assets to the group as a whole with either path you chose. Me I run a prot pally, I'm doing just fine and don't see myself conforming to the whole "one path is better than the other"…
If I was you I would run a hybrid build like most prot pallys run....(justice with alittle light thrown in) but try justice with alittle bully thrown in. That's if you want to use any of the bulwark tree.
The bubble is your daily. If you have it slotted it's just simply using it. Or if you are looking for good ap gain powers then try using circle of power, binding oath, and Templars wrath. This rotation protects you and your party if timed right.
I'm at ilvl 2835 now. My recovery is around 7k. Just change some things around to boost power to see how that goes, it seems to be working but feeling I'm going the wrong direction.
This bug still happens every now and again. I just learned to play around it. Still tanking like a boss. Played CN the other day a took just under 25mill in damage. I got one shotted at the end through binding oath due to lag. Had to awesome CWs that finished the fight with only a bit left to kill Orcus. This was due to…
I myself haven't changed anything, some have went the route of deflection. I went the route of a in between build, I got a little bit of deflect from gear only and defense as well. Guild boons work well to build your toon as well. I really haven't felt the nerf to bad. I still tank pretty well. Toon name: John shield heart…
As said above don't change. I'm not a permanent but close and I can tank CN with no problem, it's all about your group knowing not to play like they are on autopilot. Also I'm still trying to stack recovery to speed up encounter spamming.