I haven't made any purchases yet because I'm not certain I enjoy the game enough to keep playing and make a time and money investment into it. If I do choose to stick around I'll probably start with some additional character slots so I can give a few of the other classes a go to see which type I enjoy playing with the…
I play STO and thought I'd give the Beta here a go while waiting for the new story in LoR to drop. I don't have much of a history with MMOs but playing two games produced by the same company affords me what I think is a fair comparison. In STO I can purchase a single z-store starship in what for the most part is considered…
RA Salvatore's earliest FR stories came out in the late eighties/early nineties and were tied to earlier AD&D/AD&D 2nd ed. I'm guessing he kept the dwarven women in his stories bearded for the sake of continuity if they were mentioned in later novels. If I remember right female dwarves lost their beards in the 3E reboot…