Don't like it - don't try to obtain it. It's not like anyone is at loss if that set just exists. Mad cost, meh bonus => no one uses it, no balance problems, still +1 variety, everyone happy.
After 36+ hours away from the game got 5-0-0-0-0- influence from major HE's. It doesn't work as intended. Maybe I shouldn't have smashed ctrl+f too many times...
The rate of bad ideas from people who consider their ideas flawless and don't accept any criticism is close to 100%. Just dropping by and theorising, don't mind anything in particular.
The point about alchemy is somewhat strange, it sounds like it's cryptics fault that the price for unified elements dropped XD It must have dropped, considering ultracheap alchemy assets, continious supply and one-time demand for unified elements.
Why should it be buffed? It was useful in mod 5, now it's useless. Deal with it, grab another enchantment. Soulforged or FOTM negation. It took a lot of money and effort to upgrade it to perfect, so it MUST be useful? No, it must not.
As far as I know donation efficiency depends on the average total server population at specified time of the day. Thus donations at prime time would naturally have very diminished impact.