The easiest way is to take it slow. Fight small mobs if possible and, when it is time to head up to the crow, you can shift through her blast with no damage and no blow back. Timing is key and the moment she blast, shift and get out of there because she will blast again.
Simply put... Rewards no longer justify playing. The new trial is a joke... yes, it is actually fun to most of my alliance but, we only run it due to lack of anything else. The weapons are a joke, companion gear that is only Off/Def is a joke, and to mention ONCE AGAIN... the bugs in this game. I have money I could put…
Say what you want... I know for a fact a few of my guild mates DID delete their characters. Most of them held a "lottery" type system to give away everything that was not bound to them. I still talk to a lot of them in Discord and they swear it is no joke, NWO is forever gone in their hearts and minds with no chance of…
I equate it to : Someone gave you a new house w/ a cooler, BBQ grill and wash board/bucket, but.... upgraded appliances will cost 100k each. The bathroom comes with a bucket but you can upgrade to a Toilet for 25K. Oh, and you make 50k per year.
Let's be real.... there is no profit to be made on re-working the WIZ. They are not going to spend any time nor money on it as their efforts are better suited on making us have to rebuild all our characters every few months to try and maximize Zen sales. Sad but true.
Just making a point to Jared.... that his statement is unfounded and/or information is incorrect, with a hope that maybe they will take a look at the "real" numbers needed (for future things as well) to upgrade and realize that the collars or anything else they may create like a collar are not something most (once again)…
well, I can all but bet, in the next 3 yrs ( which is a possibility to get 5 Mythic ) the collars may not even be relative so.... To which my point was ... again, just commenting on Jared's statement that people are finding them NOT that hard to update. That's it... do not turn this into anything else. I don't care if it…
I guess YOU skipped the part where I said " And We get by with Epics", and of course it isn't a "requirement" to preform well, did I Say it was? My point was, if you actually watched the Video, Jared talks about it as "People don't View collars as that hard to upgrade" Really??? What people is he talking about, because in…
Of course I did... just like I did with my other characters a few months back. Just checked again and still not in preview. I also noticed it had to download a huge patch before I could enter and after I left Preview, went to Live, then went to enter Preview again, the same patch I just downloaded needed to download again.…
Like food... everyone has different taste for different things. Sure, some will dislike it, some will be ok with it, and some will love it. I am just stating "MY" personal opinion.
To be "completely" fair... how about each class has his/her own powers that are unique to that class. If you don't like that the Arbiter is under performing say... the Rouge, then play a Rogue, if not.... then understand that the Rouge is just stronger at certain things. STOP the madness of always wanting a Rogue, Wizard,…
The trick is... 1.) ONLY defend the Cashe in front of the stronghold. No one should wander past the portholes on either the left of right side of the front door. 2.) Bring LOTS AND LOTS people in. Like.... 20 - 30 players. We, as an alliance, run Mara 3 to 4 times a week and can complete np, but.. we have quite a lot of…
They said we would not be scaled but... I took so much damage that i had to eat multiple health stones per round just to survive. They are suppose to be an IL of 40k, I am 51K. My guild mate ( 52k Rogue) failed the first round, then took off her mount collars and said she completed it NP. Hmmmmm.... interesting. This game…
Regardless... Potions are in a great place atm in my opinion. It fills in the gaps of missing stats until I (we) can get the gear, companion, mount, insig, runestone, enchant, that is needed to get us closer to our ideal target. If I had stats close at 85 to 90%, taking a potion would be all but useless correct... as we…
They need to have another Zen sale... like they did a year ago whereas... $200 = 20,000 + 9000. I would put 10,000 Zen into the Zax as I need AD more then I need Zen.
The only solution I can see IMHO, is to do something, anything, to promote the sale of, and encourage players to actually buy Zen. If they had a monthly "ZEN Bonus" on top of the current bonus. I buy zen, as this is now my "Hobby", as I gave up my bowling league and pool league, but I use it to buy in the Zen store only. I…
It is a combination of... Mirage Weapons, Avernus Gear ( T1 -T3) Get a Zuna/Cold Iron Warrior or Mercenary.. get pets and Mounts to 80% min.. you will be pretty good to go. ToMM is a good place for some loot but who is going to waste their time doing it? Most ( maybe 80% ) cannot even run it due to it being to hard.
It baffles the mind... to have had, what once was a playable Dungeon, that players could, with time, effort and some money reasonably progress up to, even with the lease desired gear be able to train in, now become only playable to what... maybe 10% of the entire player base? It is equivalent to my restaurant now only…
I do not NEED to be a "GOD" in Neverwinter, I "Want" to be a GOD. I love seeing my name in the Top of the Paingiver, and that is one of the reasons why I got a lot of invites to run ToMM's/ZCM's/TIC's etc. ( and the fact that I know the mechanics) Now Hadestemplar, the point I am making is.... I once put money into this…
I use to think that too Tom, but surprisingly most of my Alliance LOVES to run Zariel just for the fun of it and honestly, it is easier then ToMM now. I have Lionhearts, Celestial, Mirage and Mastered Weapons... and I still run ToMM and ZCM daily.
I feel that, "almost" any weapon in the hands of someone that knows how to play their toon, and know the proper mechanics can be a HDPS. I have been beaten by Lionheart weapons, Blessed Weapons and Master Weapons... and yet, at other times, beaten them so.... it all depends on the person I guess.
I agree to a lot of the points made here but...... I ran a ToMM last night (Nov 18th) and used my Celestial Weapons vs a Hunter and Rogue who both had Mirage Weapons. We were all close to the same IL... and I was top DPS. True, I know the mechanics and we had awesome healers so I only died once ( usually run deathless)…