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  • Well his delivery might be a bit rough but he has a valid point. There is way too much crying on here and not enough talking about how to adapt to the changes.
  • This is standard stuff after class balancing happens. Doesn't matter what game it is, the reaction is always the same: "My class is ruined, Game maker hates me, I'm quitting, etc". I just want to get a better idea of how I need to adjust my char/playstyle to adapt to these changes. No crying necessary - just testing and…
  • I'd love to see some tips to deal with chain CCing GFs. Currently the bane of my existence. :)
  • I'm still running offensive rings however I swapped out my neck and belt for defense/deflect since all of my offensive stats are already at a good place. Ancient belts/necks are extremely cheap on the AH which is nice. I've currently got a defense enchant on my pet which I'm thinking about swapping for the +% stats shared.…
  • 2xDCs is slow, inefficient, and boring. People who have run every single epic dungeon in the game many times need a challenge to keep things interesting. Whether that's 1xDC or 4-manning or whatever, good on them. You can continue playing with your double DC safety blanket - nobody is stopping you.
  • I noticed this as well. People get really sloppy and develop bad habits when they are used to 2xDCs. Stuff like not dodging and not paying attention to positioning/adds. It's just sort of lazy playing.
  • imo being in the middle of the group is the WORST place to be. Either be first or be far in the back. Let someone else go ahead and drag the angry mob with them. Give it a try I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
    in Speed runs Comment by hidusx June 2013
  • Don't even queue up for pvp unless you have full divinity + dailies up. That's just fundamental stuff. AS + HG on a point is such a massive advantage for your team. Aside from that you need to use positioning and knockbacks to your advantage. Break LoS so their CWs can't unload on you. Hide behind posts, hide behind walls,…
  • 2 DCs is just a safety blanket. It's really not needed in general if people have decent gear and know what they are doing. I'm glad you made this thread though. I wish more people would be open to single DC groups. It's a lot faster for everyone and it's also a lot more fun to play DC when there is actually a risk of death.
  • Ok I'm a bit confused here. If I look at % gained per rating for recovery & crit using your + Lanlin's data what I see is a linear relationship. It's not until you look at the relationship between recovery % and cooldown reduction in your data that you start to see the DR kick in. But how does this work for crit? When/how…
  • Is there a cap on plague fire that I'm not aware of? Why would other people in group using it be a reason for you not to use it?
  • BTW just wanted to add there are guys running around with 5x Greater Tenebrous enchantments + a Greater Plague Fire enchant which = ridiculous frontloaded damage. Good luck trying to survive that.
  • Does Prophetic Action make any useful impact on Shocking Execution?
  • The skill of the CW determines whether this fight is a cake walk or a nightmare. If they are reliable with their mob punting you can pretty much eat a sandwich and drop down astral shield every once in a while between bites. If they are not consistent then you are going to be running for your life from start to finish.…
  • You're in the wrong thread pal. Nobody cares about your gamer tears. General whine thread is that way>
  • The lack of understanding of healing mechanics in this game is pretty funny. This is not WoW. This is not another MMO you played previously. DC can't just slam a single target Greater Heal on you. DC provides damage MITIGATION. If you receive spike damage (e.g. you didn't dodge a big attack) you need to deal with that…
  • To the OP's point that a quick scan of forums is evidence that gamers are unhappy with the state of the game you need to realize that for every poster complaining on here there are hundreds of happy gamers playing away not saying anything. Forums are a magnet for whiners. You can't draw any conclusions by counting whine…
  • The progression I did was this: crappy random drop greens -> full PVP set at 60 (really easy to get) -> run a few T1's to upgrade remaining slots -> T2's -> and so on. It might be different for your class but for DC the PVP gear is loaded with lifesteal which is pretty much functionally useless at least for how I play the…