theres a difference between not "running perfectly smoothly" and major **** up, whats the point of having public test servers AND the exact same bug being reported 6 days ago, and making it to the live version of the patch? sounds pretty pathetic to me.....
•Castle Never respawn campfires have improved logic on which campfire is correct according to the party progress. Might wanna buy ur ancient slavemasters ring of control and or other CN rings, seems like they are gonna be a bit harder to farm now, and especially if they make it so u cant bug the boss
I don't know if this problem was raised yet as I didn't read through all the posts, but I think all Needed items show be BOP for the reasons stated by op, but I want to add, you should NOT be able to see what other people chose to roll until after everyone has picked. So basically when you pug, there will be some people…
its not cheap for everyone, I dyed and transmuted my low level chest which costs me like 70k, I don't want to buy 3 pieces of gear after I get my helm which I most likely have to save up and buy, that's a little ridiculous this is such an easy fix, I don't get why its not hotfixed... so im going to keep bumping this thread…
bump^ why is this not being addressed? I think a hotfix would not be very hard at all and I think it is a very punishing problem to players who do not already own a full T1 set!
i don't know what people above me are talking about, im 55 now and been doing everything solo with the healer pet, everything has been pretty cake and I hardly ever use pots at all....... the only time I had to was on that rime wolf dungeon. you guys must be pretty bad at this game
how do u get stalwart set? I see threads of people getting it in lower level dungeons and what now but how are u supposed to get them? is it just a really rare drop and I need to grind out the low level dungeons when DD is up?