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  • Feedback: GWF and game Let's recap a bit: mod 3 you fix deep gash , ok no problem you failed to realize how much dmg those bleeds could do so you decided to take action, i agree it was a good decision, and while you're at it *fix* student of the sword aswell because that was the bigger dmg booster actually, give us this…
  • Uhm bro you sure you're playing mod 4?
  • Dude do you even neverwinter? like really? did you roll your gwf in mod 2 where u had 2 broken feats that gave a , not massive but massive * 9000 amount of DPS? i have an 18.7k GWF destro specced and geared for high crit , apart from a few really skilled CW and some broken feats using SW's, nothing outdpsed me in Elol Esot…
  • Guys it's simple , everyone wants to be top dog. remember roar? how some lame gwf's we're crying that it is ok as it is and should be left alone cuz if you change it then they won't be top dog anymore? how broken we're the builds using it? and yet 90% of the gwf's we're using it (respect for the 10% who we're above that…
  • Holy Guacamole now i know why I've met you a few times on my TR , i was a decent perma stealth and i remember you because u are the only GF i couldn't kill like ever, you know other GF's are hard to take down but eventually they all die but you? i remember fighting for over 20mins trying everything to take you down but…
  • Feeback on the changes to GWF based on CN preview run First of all i do have to say i agree with most of the changes as being PVE destroyer, the difference in DPS / survivabilty is not major. Test run of CN was done on a 15k GWF PVE DPS destroyer : 7k power 4k Crit 1.2k recovery 2k defense 1k deflect 1k life steal with…
  • Hello everyone :) first of all new content is always good news so +1 for that but i really do believe that most of us would prefer less buggy content some things are pretty ridiculous, everyday people that don't know how to lose come up with more and more exploits and on the same number you have quite a few honest…
  • First of all , Hello everyone! I saw this forum topic and decided to give my cents about it, i've always loved tank-dps builds in mmorpg's and naturally went for the GWF which i freaking adore b/c it is extremely versatile , generally i hybridize any char build i make in any game cuz i like to get the best of everything…