I had this same issue. I removed all my insignias from my mounts, active and in the stable. Worked after that. Just thought id try to help. I made sure not to share insignias unless i share the same mount per loadout.
As far as refining goes, no issues, and no problem switching loadouts since i fixed my insignia issue. And about the apply to all option, yeah there is no such thing on console as far as the insignias or mounts go. Unless i missed it in my blind rage. Yeah, double rp and double stones is coming up, so hopefully you find…
****After looking at the pc bug reports, i saw someone say something about the insignias. I removed all insignias from all my mounts. Active and in the stable. I was able to switch loadouts again after this. Im just going to play it safe and have my mounts NOT share insignias between loadouts if the bonuses are…
Another website said to overwrite the "bugged" loadout. After doing that and respeccing it back to what it used to be, it bugged out again and locked me out from switching back. Also saw somewhere that it might have to do with gear being switched. Ive switched the gear around that both loadouts use, and still no results.
I also changed my insignias. Burned a respec token as well after it said i had unspent respec tokens. That didnt fix anything. I know we can overwrite a loadout, but dont recall if we can erase one. Either way, thats not a walk-around i really want to deal with. And as far as putting stuff on all our loadouts, how can we…
Having the same issue. Showed a message once that i couldnt switch because i had an unspent respec, unspent points, or not selected all my boons. Never saw the message again and still cant switch. All the issues it said i had were not true either. Was told on discord to move unbound things to my potion tray or equip mounts…
Definetly join a guild, some dont require much if anything at all. That being said, im quitting the game soon as well. I enjoyed my time and have been that guy who buys lots of keys, but after winning a contest on this site, ive be waiting a month (feb 7) for my prize, only to get no response from anyone since being told i…