First of all thank you cryptic for the insult that u just did again towards our beloved Class, 2 years for this. I couldnt be happier to say no towards the at least 5 invites to make the class better, it doenst Matter what Feedback u give over years, it doenst Matter what Feedback u give in a closed Beta and of course it…
The amount, People complain about M17 that CWs where kinda good and have litteraly no idea why that where is actualy pathetic. That CW cause of a bug Feat where so good and Ranged at this time where Tomm came out more comofortable where is just not understandable. Since then our Class total Dead Nerfed where is just sad.…
Make a Reward System at some point it just gets Tedious to farm, if its not sellable then make it at least Rewarding if you make 20 runs u can chose one of the legendarys u want with a Scroll system.
Well there is only one think to say more, in stream got sayed we get buffed and in the patchnotes SW getting the huge buff again. Nothing more to say i think i made enough forum Posts with what is incorrect on this class and what should get looked at. One day u lose the drive to get a change. With those Combat Changes CW…
Hello Dear Cryptic Team As dudu allready posted the ACT log from our 2 minute Burst Test i will also say something to that. I did 4 diffrent build combinations that where the only thinks that could possible make CW Okeish again but run in to all time the same Proplems. Thauma is super underperforming, the only good think…
#CW got slight Nerfs, and doenst matter at all thats what we get from Todays awesome Stream, thanks cryptic for putting that out there awesome Feedback about our class.
Hellow Dear Cryptic Team, Since here is nothing Happen we get absolutley no Responses or something in Return even more Nerfs and dissapointment its Time for me to make another Long Post. After the Changes from 2 Days ago where CW got there Storm Spell with a Internal Cooldown,we go even more down the Drain i dont know if…
Hellow dear @joebot#9387 I played ingame 193days and 10hrs and 53minutes on CW, Since the shield Nerfs from Mod 17 our Class is going more down and down and down. I am totaly agreeing with the fix on Powersurge and Stormspell non criting, its Randomness and doenst Provide a real Feedback for the Class, I also agree with…
Hellow Dear Cryptic Joebot I hope this Forum isnt Close Yet, I dont Mind you guys chaning our Thauma in to the ground where it is even not possible to buff anymore wich is fine but then give something in Return Either for your Fixes on Arcanist and Thauma We are only a 2 DPS paragon Class with limited Feats and Class Feats…
If that is really the Case what i said the in this Feedback Forum i dont see any pride Future for the Game since there will be No teachers Left for the Mid and Low Tier players since all Endgamer Players will Leave the game or will play only small portion of it. U need to Gear up your toon for at least 25m to 30 million AD…
Maybe u guys can implement that the vanity pets that are follow us to make it as grap pets and give them a certain amount off space of the rarity they acc have could be anice think
Dear Neverwinter Team i just have a super simple sugestion the little fellow pets we get from Zok they are usless maybe u can code them as Grap Pets that they got for Rearity a little bag inside and they grap gold and everything else for you. IT works in many games so maybe u guys can implement it would be super nice.…
U forgot something there is a zone called rivertown or so and this is running on 6fps if its comming good and u need this for a campaing would be nice if you can fix it aswelll