Looks like event is officially over and wont be extended.... can claim rewards but no more quests or gaining those last few needed points
And for me time is running out, because I will either buy it for $75 or I wont buy it, not for $100. Regardless I hope they can restore faith that exploits result in a loss rather than a gain. Because right now there is absolutely zero fear to avoid exploits. If you exploit you keep everything your exploit gained you, and…
Once again thank you for posting that they have responded. I did not realize the magnitude of your knowledge was so immense as to know that will be there ONLY response and that they cant respond further. I should have realized your brilliance when you linked in your response the link I provided my my OP. Now I will limit…
Please refrain from naming players, I dont want to get thread shut down. Technically it is hearsay coming from you and not first hand from said person or the dev's. Not saying you are wrong or that info is wrong. But it is why hearsay is not allowed in court of law, it is unreliable can be hard to disprove or prove and…
Unfortunately that is just hearsay and nothing more. I dont care about, and frankly, dont want names. I just want to know that if the crime (cheating or exploiting) is bad enough then the punishment fits. I leave it to the dev's and powers that be to determine that. We players dont need to know what levels of cheating…
Grumpy old Dwarf to daughter, "Dagnabbit, nobody is going to buy the horse if you give the sled away for free... hmm, or was it nobody will buy the cow if you give the milk away for free. Bah, never mind, I'm going fishing."