if you roll a cleric you will be expected to heal... likely never really dps. That being said, good clerics are crucial to a successful pve or pvp group. Healing in this game is very different than those *other* MMOs. If you want to pew pew pew, I recommend HR, CW or GWF. TR or GWF if you want to pvp.
I didn't have enough feat points to pick up ethereal boon... I did, however, respec to DO. The divinity gain on ticks on BotS is amazing. Three questions: does linked spirit increase your own stats as well as others'? and, does astral seal proc foresight? does the invigorated healing's 'afterheal' proc on every tick of…
wasn't aware that other things procced linked spirit; however this feat itself does not help us heal people AFAIK, though I might pick it up for the buff. Sunburst is good for divinity gain, but pretty crappy healing in and out of itself (unless tabbed, but no one likes unnecessary mob knockback). For BOB you are either…
Vote kicking should be reserved for people who are griefing, or severely under-performing, or afk/dc. Not because you want to get other class loot. If you've AGREED on a greed run (brave move in a PuG), that's a bit different. But it's not fair to a PuG coming in to replace someone right after a boss just because they are…
One possible fix would be to prevent vote kicking being available during or for about 5 min after combat. 5 min is enough for a griefer trying to solo a pack to die, and enough to roll on loot after a boss.
I don't think I've ever had 5k GS after I hit 40 on any toon : / ... not sure how that's even possible if you at least sort through your greens ever so often.
The RNG in this game is the least random I've ever seen in any game, ever. Cryptic does not know how to actually make their numbers random, it seems. If you fail, wait. Don't waste your mats/time/patience, because you will again. Just having 4-6x in a row of failed profession kits @75% ea (supposedly), on many, many…
I wish you could invite people while in the queue. Not being able to get your friend/guildie/etc. that could easily save your run is really annoying (and having to wait on PUGs to join).
I'm not following the reasoning of why people think a AC has to be in facetank range over a DO? Blessing of Battle is ranged. Astral seal is ranged. Astral shield is ranged. Healing word is ranged. Forgemaster's/Bastion is ranged. Divine armor is range/targetable. Hallowed ground has a huge radius. I've personally healed…
There really is no reason to 'tank' this boss. Everything he does is avoidable, easily, by anyone. The tank, if one is present, should be picking up all the adds, all the time. Those imps, while not particularly deadly on their own, can easily kill a CW or cleric if enough of them swarm us at once. The biggest thing is…
Is there a reason to use shard if you don't have it feated (over sudden storm)? I personally hate the animation, amount of time you have to spend casting/pushing it and the fact that the knockback is often undesirable, so I never use it.
I say this to every HR I run with. Either don't peel mobs off, or eat them yourself. Nearly every boss fight I have to argue with them about staying single target. And every time they disagree, they die. Shrug.
There are people (like myself) who have stayed around for the PvE (for now) while all but abandoning PvP because we don't have pvorps or tenes or stuff like that. If I felt like I could be actually competitive in PvP instead of getting curb stomped (either because those enchants were removed from PvP or I could easily get…
They can easily grow profits by making the epic enchants more accessible (like reduce the price of coal. ward, or give it a chance to drop in DD/skirm chests or something). Or give the glory vendor some low-level items (BoP) that are comparable to the stuff people are twinking with, for hefty prices. At least then there's…
I think the key in anything is paying attention: -Peeling ads off people that are clearly in trouble -Popping pots if you see your healer is struggling -Turning mobs around to minimize red spread (if you're tanking) -NOT USING KNOCKBACK MOVES AFTER I JUST USED SINGULARITY (this one pisses me off like nothing else). I mean…
3 might be too few, but I can see a trend with increasing number of skills into... your standard WoW type 50 action bar setup which, honestly, was a pain in the neck. Just learn when to use yours, get enough recovery, and don't waste cooldowns. Having only 3 (considering the 'skill tree' which is quite modest, and not that…
One upside of NW pvp is that you don't have 15 action bars of buttons to commit to muscle memory and 4 more addons to keep track of the enemy's buttons to enable you to pvp properly :) Dodge is also pretty amazing.
There are at least 5 maps that I remember, probably more now, and a bunch of arena maps. There's also a good number of game modes, which is far more important.
um, what? You can't "tank" any more than few elite mobs in any spec. Probably least in a dps spec. I don't know what this 'crazy damage' you're talking about is, considering everything gets aoe'd to oblivion by CW/HR/GWFs, while we what, cleave tickle the mobs?