Ok excuse the noob question but it's the first time i play a game that when i move my mouse my camera move also.So is there a hotkey to type something on chat like if i press C my character window shows up of if i press I my bags open. Thank you for the answers.
As a new player to neverwinter i have to say as soon as i arrive to protector's enclave i was appalled at the number of gold sellers spamming.! person was trying to see if anybody wanted a guild and he was submerged by the gold sellers on chat to the point that his message disappeared in seconds. I saw gold sellers on…
So if you are a new player that don't have any mounts you can choose between many.I know for those of you who have tons of mounts it looks like lame but for me it's pretty good. Now if i can ask about zone chat getting spam by gold sellers in protector's enclave is it always like that and is there a way to not see it.