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  • This post doesn't directly relate to a software conflict per se, but I've found Razer's Gamebooster (<-link) to be really useful. It scans your system for installed games, games can be manually added if 'missed'. When a game is launched a range of background processes are shut down, freeing resources (getting them out of…
  • Good to see that some are getting results from advice posted so far. I run Firefox with updates via the beta channel. At time of posting Firefox is at 28.0. I don't have the skype plugin installed, nor does disabling all other plugins have any effect. Perhaps I need to point out that this problem has been prevelent while…
  • I frequently use the gateway to keep my professions active, via either my tablet or via PC when I don't have the available time to log into the game for a session. I have noticed that the gateway is frequently unresponsive. For example while collecting rewards, it is often necessary to click a second or third time, (after…
  • Agreed, the lack of a means to balance teams in endgame PvP whatsoever be they PUGS or premade is taking the enjoyment out PvP for many players. This contributes to and perpetuates the 'early leaver' problem. The game has a tiering system with regard end game PvE gear, and end game dungeoneering. Likewise tiered endgame…
  • I've read through every post in this thread up to the one quoted above, and will continue to read on through the thread. This above quote struck a chord with me. While levelling to 60 I participated in PvP frequently, not just for the glory and thus the rewards, but for the fun of it. I'm not a particularly skilled PvPer…
  • Is this guild still active? The guild I'm in currently is a little stale, the members, except one to date, unhelpful. Tassie based player here.
  • Good to see that I'm not alone in being dissappointed in the current PvP system. Even better is to see someone come up with well reasoned and presented points that offer constructive ways to fix the system. A couple of questions though if I may. Is anyone aware of any efforts to rectify the problems? Has there been an…