There's no gods in this game. Why ? Because there's no ultimate ultra gear that is impossible to get. I prefer this system to something where old players are invincible because of their impossible stuff and NOT because of their skill (in dungeon or PvP).
"permanent banning of accounts that participated in the exploit" Thank you, that's what I wanted to know. I hope that those <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> payed a founder pack.
.... And some people buy runestones at 2k AD and sell them at 11k AD when prices are high. Wait wait, isn't it the rule of "buy low sell high" ? Isn't it what every reseller in the real world do ? If you are stupid enough to buy those items because you don't know the game, then it's a bad luck for you. But anyway, I don't…
I did it easily at lv 43... Use the cleric companion or Phoera, drink potions every time you can and learn to avoid attacks. You also have to kill the big human cutthroat, they are very annoying with their kicks. When adds spawn, focus on killing the archers and let the lycan, they are not a big deal. Unequip all your AOE…
Pathfinder is really the best, especially with the advanced core rule book. You have lots of variation in base classes, that let you make your very own and unique character. And you only need 1 book to play, it's awesome compared to D&D3.5 where 3 books are required. The rules are also modified to be smoother, Pathfinder…
Just let the creators do their dungeons/bosses and rise the drop quality of the end chest... T1 or 2 Gear when you are lv60 would be awesome on selected quests or quests of the week.
I disagree, I'm for a full open game where items can still be sold whenever you wore them. Like that you can help your clan mates or your friends with your old gear.
Stop complaining, the game is balanced at level 60. I played some games where at max lvl and with full stuff you still got OSed by one specific class, you could not do anything. Here you can still do something, at least flee or avoid enemies, focusing on tower capture/defending a point.
Items are too expensive in the Cash Shop, but lowering their price without refunding the people that bought them before the price balance would be nasty.
This game use the DnD Lore and absolutely no elements of the DnD rules which not fit to a MMO gameplay. If you want to play a DnD game, invite your friends, grab the books, some dices, beers and have fun.
When your ennemy are dazed, don't enter in stealth, just hit them. When the daze finish, enter in stealth and deal damages with your at-will powers. When the stealth is near the end, use an encounter power to deal high damages or do specific things (like slowing your enemies and stuff, it depends of the skill you use).…
Path of the Blade is better than Blitz... Why ? Because PotB can be used effectively against 1 target where Blitz is totally useless. You can also kill greater packs of adds with PotB (Blitz only hit 5 targets). PotB also give more Action Points and generate less threat. For exemple with my Phoera, he usually takes all the…
Mounts are usefull for PvP... That's the problem for me. You pay 40$ to get more mobility in domination, so you can move from a point to an other really quickly.
Yeah I agree that farming maps/exploits sucks, but I am not prepared to play 3 hours in a row in a big campaign to get nothing. Bring back the experience !
I don't see the point to do an uber quest, very long and hard with good dialogues and epic fights for.... nothing. In every dungeon and dragons board game, when you finish a quest or a dungeon or something you get experience and stuff (or you are a nasty GM !), that's how it works. If you do quests without rewards, there's…