I have had this happen a ton. It bugs out and isn't useable, then it will start working again....should be an easy fix. one that needs to be addressed asap imo.
I really like the crafting system in place in Neverwinter. The only thing I think they need to tweak on it is the items you make, they need to be more useful imo. At 60 the only gear you will use is shirt/pants. Other than that I think its great...I can set my guys to do their thing for me while i go and pvp/pve, instead…
Simple fix is to make it class priority. When loot drops everyone gets the normal options those who hit need fine but if the equipment dropped isn't for your class and is for one of the others then they get priority no matter who hit need, it automatically goes to the class that actually needs the equipment. Problem…
Easy fix. Do like Dragon Nest does and have the it give class priority on need first....Meaning a CW item drops and the CW of the group hits need and he is the only CW in the group he gets the item no matter who else hits need. If no one in the group is of that class then its free game on the roll. Problem fixed.