I have such bad rolls I did 100 runs of Tower of Celadaine and got nothing of value, my wife runs it once with me and gets the blink dog. I have run 140 ESoT and have gotten the base look each time, and have not seen a single epic drop from the boss. I just finished another 140 runs of Sot and have basically the same drop…
I am having an issue with the boons for the new module, I unlocked the second boon and it will not allow me to make a selection. It remains darkened, but it shows on the tree I have unlocked and to accept reward. I Now can unlock the third boon, but want to know if I activate this will it compound the problem?
I have been able to process the black Ice once and then gone. I have been trying to get the splinter from the heroic Encounters and after 40 of them still have not gotten one. I have opened 25 professions booster and did not get anything that benefits this profession. All of my chill guys have been upgraded to the smith…
I did know to do that, when clicking on the dread ring box it directs you to the General and not the Sargent. It something I overlooked, and when I get a chance I will try and see if I can get this going. On brighter note, great job to the guys who created this world. Thanks for creating a second job for me :) After…
Why when I transferred my lvl 60 character that had finished Sharandar and went to get the starting point of Dread Ring I; 1. Could not get General Whatever her name to give me the quest to start ;2 I now have to redo the who first campaign. I feel that I having to reinvent the wheel here. I did not see anyone posting…