Did they reduce server? its started at the time of mod 5 this thing always happen to most MMO to cut cost, would the devs makes asian server for us Im sure there are a lot of MMO handlers would love to Manage it.
I am always an assassin type player. I started this type of character since diablo 1 to ragnarok to khan online to rakion to DOTA to assassins creed and so on and so forth I never tired killing people in-game in a blink of an eye or let them die with poison slowly. in never winter you could do both.
Its not monkey jumping they call it bunny hop even the good old counter strike, Rakion, gunz have it. what they have done is there's a CD on jumping you can only jump every 1.5 sec. problem solve. And it is a glitch FYI.
Theres a lot of suggestion before with this issues since from the start of IWD with no result. still hunting for it since last year and still I have a very very bad luck having that arm piece.
Exec/Sab is the better option should have at lease 40 percent recharge speed so your VP and SS is less than 8 seconds. The only downs on WK is you just point and shoot kill players a little boring but you will work your HAMSTER out to a 20k gs up players. 19k below you will owned them.
Who said its not possible I only need SS to be infinite perma my CD from LB is 12 sec and the rest below 9 seconds my stealth last 12 second or more if I do dodge roll. You just need 40 percent up recharge time no matter what paragon you have. I can even do 3 clones from BnS with KE + SP. and even POTB x3 is possible..
Mirrorball is right. And never I see one that blames the artifact and AP cloak and artifact weapons. Maybe they can disable it to TR because if a TR has IT no one can beat TR. But you can beat TR in your dreams.
I just hope they have a 1v1 queing system with leader board so that they will know TR is not the king of 1v1 I have an HR trapper with high regen which I can also heal my allies like a DC and I have no problem if it comes to 1v1 with a TR same goes to my CW.
Here is mine: A TR pug like 9k GS TR can kill a 16k GS of any class that is the truth... because of first strike... here is the tricky part: I'm almost 20k TR when i fought 18k up class except SW Its very hard to kill them unless they are dumb playing their toon. My experience when fighting someone with almost equal GS I…
There are some player who can kick you by their will although the devs have no idea to fix those abusive exploiters doing. those hackers can easily drop you at any given moment. And you want to ban those people who have been a victim of kicking. pack yow.
You may respect your GWF cause right now GWF are kicking HAMSTER this las week maybe they ninja buff it cause their AOE and single attack are deadly, even TR cant win against GWF last month they are paper thin now they are hard as a steel I'd rather face other class like GF and CW cause most of them are easy to kill.
You have just made yourself look stupid Shadowy opportunity comes in the fourth boon of sab which you have to spend 20 paragon path and the concussive strike and skull cracker that people are whining about is 21 paragon point your so called CC in encounter alone does not daze you for 10 seconds to 12 second. Sabs can…
Well look who's on top 5 and tell me who's OP its not the quantity that counts its the quality cause those guys on top are smart enough to counter TR unlike you....
I think its not just your class skill that have that problem. Same goes to TR there's a lot of time our dailys like SE and HK missed and our ITC and SS and DS dont have damage or no effect at all. half of the time I use this skill don't procs.
Why everybody only sees TR when they are CC'd you don't count the other class on that are lurking around like cleric, CW, and SW, and so on as if five of you fighting TR alone and nobody's helping the TR on damage and CC. I quit scoundrell cause all you have is daze which some of the player can easily get away by bunny…