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  • Love the playstyle you have inspired Unspecified, currently using a version close to your version 1.0 and going great about it. Thinking of switching it up towards the 2.0 version, and the video you linked here clearly shows that cleric are viable healers and that aggro is not such a big problem as many will make it, sure…
  • To each his or her own I guess, I have played healer in many a MMO, and this is the must fun I have had playing one. This is exactly why I like the Devoted Cleric. It's all about damage prevention, buffs, and healing through giving damage. I love that mechanic, but naturally others will not, which is also fine. Healing…
  • Just out of curiousity, how is this even possible? I have yet to see that in any of the epic dungeons I farm. Personally I couldn't care less about gear, so how fast people get their epic gear and however they get it, it's up to them. I wanted to play the game for the leveling, story, and foundry potentials. Gear to me is…
  • This might be me missing something, what exploit are we talking about? i'm level 60 and farming dungeons for gear, and haven't heard off or seen any.
  • I had thought from the very beginning that I would play a GF or CW mostly (and I have those characters made), but I ended up leveling a DC first becuse of what my friends where playing and they needed a healer. I have never had any problem keeping them alive, and what is said above is true, once you get Astral Shield the…
  • I too saw a lot of "LFM, required gearscore of x,HAMSTER" and "LF guild, have gearscore of x,HAMSTER" messages. I do agree with what has been said, that it is not the gearscore itself, but more a culture thing within MMO player communities; Gearscore and DPS meters are unfortunately too easy performance indicators for some…
  • End game will be Guys shouting i general zone chat for dungeon Groups demanding you to have the correct spec and 10k+ gearscore, or else you will never be allowed into their amazing Group - WoW flashback for me there :-) All jokes aside they have talked about the possibility of raids and further 5-man dungeons, but nothing…
    in End-game Comment by gnoster May 2013
  • I have two mains; I play a CW solo and then a GF together with an old pen and paper roleplaying friend, WHO plays a DC.
  • Well free as in paid for by ingame gold coins, and not AD or Zen.
  • You can buy extra character slots (2 at a time) in the Zen store, can't remeber the exact price, but it's not a lot. Regarding a change character appearance for free idea, while I do understand where you're coming from (I have redone my elven control wizard five times myself, and will again desperately trying to remove…
  • GW2 started without this option as well, and it was one of the first addons they ever did, as they came to the same conclusion as you. Signed from me as well.
  • Try to look at this post: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?157861-Videos-Cleric-Epic-Dungeon-Runs-and-Build. Really impressive DC play and some well thought out propositions for feats and skills. Yes, it doesn't show a "standard" MMO healer, but I doubt that was intended from Cryptics side anyway, just like…
  • Really interesting guide (another proof we need the class forums back, so these don't disappear). I was confident that I wanted my main to be a control wizard, but after setting off the first charge last night on my GF, I was sold :-) This sounds like a very viable way to go, and enables the GF to be successfull in both…
  • I'll be rolling a CW and plan on going Renegade crit build, it just seems to be really good, high damage combined with awesome CC skills. I am currently debating how much I should raise INT versus CHA (WIS is ofcourse a no go in a crit build), I have heard rumors that crit has a cap where as power does not. If this is the…
  • Tough call to comment, when one hasn't played the game yet, but as a potential guardian fighter what I saw both comforted me and comfirmed some of my fears. The positive: Overall I think the GF (you?) did a good job of (trying) to hold aggro. It clearly showed that with proper playstyle and spec it is possible even with…