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  • Lol, are you honestly going to tell me that you read the whole TOS on every game you've played? Because I think you'll lose all credibility if you do. I'm not saying you can make a fool proof system, but I am saying that going live while you have a botting problem that has been going on since at least open beta started..…
  • Well that's fine and dandy, I have a degree in visual and game programming, and am currently on the development team for 2 games, a third starting in a week. Glad we agree TROLOLOLOL again with the BS. What games are you playing in? A few pages back I named bots I see multiple times a day, and then linked to my stream and…
  • I don't know where you get your information, but there are a number of solutions. Ghosting is pretty effective, if not in prevention definitely in detection. But let's talk brackets and ELO. bots would filter to the bottom bracket or lowest ELO and probably all be playing with each other, and while not outright eliminating…
  • So just because there is a TOS that admittedly nobody reads, the responsibility of the devs to stop cheaters is pushed onto the player base? I mean, maybe if they gave us adequate tools to deal with the situation ourselves, but I don't see that happening. If this is how you think cheaters should be dealt with we might as…
  • literally the first game I play after posting this had the Rinos Vilbert bot in it, check the stream, lmfao and he was in a few games after that. 5 games in a row full of leavers and bots. I mean, come on. In the last game we even found a bot (a rogue, actually, for once) and he was immune to CC and took no damage, so we…
  • LOL. Biggest load of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I've heard on the forums, yet. Bots are in almost every game. In fact, there are bots I see every day, playing all day. I cannot tell you how many times I've carried Lucious Vandor, Rinos Vilbert or Lia Loreweaver through a game. I mean, they are playing so much that…
  • I was sentinel before the "balance" patch and it was good, near unkillable. After the patch it's just SO GOOD. The other builds were too squishy, and now the tanky build is too tanky. womp womp. hours of sentinel GWF pvp streaming at twitch.tv/glohkamp
  • streaming pvp sentinel GWF (twitch.tv/glohkamp) I have footage from both before and after the patch, sentinel build both times. After the "balance" patch you basically cannot be killed in most situations. It's hilarious.
  • Cat's out of the bag, now. I was hoping people wouldn't catch on the sentinel pvp ownage. I have tens of hours of footage on my stream (twitch.tv/glohkamp) from both pre-balance and post-balance patch. Maximizing the effectiveness of unstoppable is really great, especially now that it has THP. Stacking the pvp 4pc set…
  • the Caturday survivor pack.