really?! upwards of $260...well there you have it right there; why spend so much (or at all) on a game that's filled with bugs since "beta period" <--- though most can debate about how the so-called open beta was really not beta anymore... and this patch? meh.
The fix on the perma-stealth seems like it was the only one done when people were still awake and made sense... I DO NOT play a TR and I'm no fan of them...but almost all of these "fixes" and "balances" just turned the TR into a Total Reject. I'm very sorry about those who play TRs...many of these I believe are way too…
Please, also address the bug for GF's lunge skills...the rubberbanding (PvP and PvE) is ridiculous... The lunge animation is executed. The toon "reaches" the target. The toon is then rubbered back to initial launch point of lunge. The target gets away. :( Thank you for listening.
I'm not even 60 as I write this and it seems that most (if not all) T2 items [if the first post here is correct] are only "worth" getting for bragging rights. Stat-wise, it seems they're all tweaked improperly. I play GF and yet I mention the improper stats for all classes...special mention to the crit-less mage set, the…
As mentioned by devlurker (sorry forgot exact name) in another thread, and tried by me also, this fix worked; Start > regedit.exe > computer > hkey_current_user > software > cryptic > cryptic launcher > windowpos Make sure your launcher is not open. Delete windowpos. Open launcher. Should be displayed like normal now as…
My initial take on GF was a halfling ... but was displeased when I saw the shield sprite scaled to my size rather than having a "human" sized shield being toted around by a halfling. would've been interesting to see. Like Frodo carrying around Boromir's shield that could double-take as his portable bed or something. :) On…
This worked for me. Thanks again avidlurker. Start > Search "regedit.exe" > hkey_current_user > software > cryptic > cryptic launcher > windowpos As to why this happened in the first place, I have no idea...
how come the MAXIMIZED fix doesn't work for me?? :( anyone else with the same problem?? how do we fix this please?? EDIT: "TL;DR: if the launcher doesn't display at all but sits in the task bar, it's possible the window position registry key (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\Cryptic Launcher WindowPos) became corrupted.…