PVP - I have been in both pvp matches where I stomped and again been stomped on. I don't condone spawn camping and believe it speaks volumes about a person who despite winning, feels the need to port to losing side and grief. If people on the losing side are being crushed and it is evident they will not be able to cap a…
I ran a windows network diagnostic on failure to connect to website. I used nwhttppatch.crypticstudios.com (port 80) (I recalled seeing that in 'pcl' file) The result said "website (nwhttppatch.crypticstudios.com) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts. The remote computer isn't responding to connections on…
The Launcher opens, but the window is blank with "Loading. Please wait." then after it times out, Browser window pops up and says "This program cannot display the webpage" I can connect to other websites, and I rebooted just in case and same thing.
Tried to mail companion today, and same results as above. Pretty irritating. Should not even have been advertised that companions are tradeable until actually implemented. Leveled 2 companions with my 60 so alts could use.. and all for naught! Me: /knock knock Cryptic: "Hello?" Me: "Hi, could you please fix/enable…
Had not seen this happen until yesterday and today. What is the item called, and what type of item is it? Because, yeah it's HAMSTER, at first I wasn't sure, but then I watched as I choked a tr and just as he got in the air he was back down with the red aura and chill strike nor icy rays was affecting. During the match…
[IMG][/img] [IMG][/img] Hmm, Tenebrous OP? Ya think!? I heard about it's potential, but until I pretty much melted where I stood, and died within3-4 seconds did I start to parse to see why. I am wearing 2 pieces Shadow Weaver, and rest pvp gear, with mix of minor/major epic jewelry. Discuss/questions?