Seriously, this item is worthless. We can't even vend it. It isn't a fashion item. It has no stats, and we get multiple ones meaning we have to delete the item. More worthless than the sheer amount of residium we receive from the event chests. At least let us vend them for some silver Crypitc. sheesh
in my experience, the idle boot is to short. i can understand booting someone that is afk. but booting someone for the short amount of time that this game does is just too short imo.
to the people saying "why would i want to be put into a match where we are down and someone left?" because you could be the player that helps to turn the inevitable lose into a win. i came here from wow. i was bored with wow and hated what they did to pvp and the resilience system/gear. so i canceled my sub and found this…
i haven't even tried an epic dungeon. honestly, im scared to. with the difficulty gap between the entire dungeon and the final boss in the regular daily dungeon, epic dungeons seem like a waste of time. im in a guild, but dont really know anyone. and honestly, i enjoy playing with myself or with a group of people that i…
no and that is one of the main problems. you cannot requeue to replace a dc'd or deserter basically making all that work you did to get to the final boss meaningless.
i have died more times than i can count to literally one shots by rogues. no class should be able to literally one shot you with one or at most, two abilities/moves. resilience became a thing in many games for pvp reasons so players could feel op in pve, but be somewhat balanced in pvp. this is a step i would love to see…
the fact still remains that not being able to get another player when someone drops is dumb. not only in pvp, but also pve. something needs to be done. leaving it like it is will break the game and cryptic needs to realize this.
ha, maybe 5% of the time. your point is moot. the fact that we even have to attempt to 4v5 is ridiculous. better to sit back, get a drink/take a HAMSTER. and wait for your daily pvp to finish.