I wasn't intending to be TOO snarky (maybe a little, lol), but in all honesty, I share the same questions, regarding the use of the coins (apparently for transmutes) but where is there more info, screenshots, etc?
It didnt evade him, but apparently his question evaded you .. He's looking for the information regarding these transmutes, like WHAT ARE THEY? WHERE IS THE INFO?
!! THANK YOU !! From a technical standpoint, why did you think you would NOT be able to? As a DB programmer, I can't imagine a scenario where they wouldn't be able to merge the AH listings.
The gods had decided that the dungeons of the world were too easy and out of balance. They had previously tried to spawn more add-ons to bosses, but that swung the pendulum of balance in the opposite direction. They came to the conclusion the only solution would be to give you more friends to help.
There was once a man from Nantucket (on Mind Flayer), he wanted to hit on this super hot chick on Beholder (played by a male), and because of the Universal Laws of Attraction, his will manifested itself!
As Lord British beheld the shattered world gem, he cried. He sent Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre to rule over each shard. After awhile, he made peace with Mondain, and he restored the gem to it's original form.
I definitely see your point there ... I had never seen that the news had been "updated" I had just been awaiting a new News item later on with the time/date, etc ... I never went back to the old posting ... Oh, well, live and learn I suppose ... Fortunately, I only do buy-nows on my auctions when I sell ... I'm mainly just…
I only go to the forums when the game doesn't work ... I have been relying on the news section of the launcher for "important" things ... And of course I was working all day, so I never even saw the red message there either .. but if they had put a news listing yesterday regarding it at the very least I could've cancelled…
Why, pray tell, didn't they utilize the NEWS portion on the launcher??? Everyone sees that ... not everyone looks in the forums so often ... I had only seen the original blog posting (only by accident at that), before they updated it with the date/time.
I'm rather disappointed in the lack of notice regarding the timing of this. There was a previous message that the merge was coming, but not detailed timeframe listed as of then. Now, with less then 16 hours notice the merge is happening.
I was able to log into a different account, and then when i logged out, without closing client, i got to the client's login page (not the launchers) and was able to login to the previously non-function character. Well now later, I closed the client, and I'm having the same problem again, but with both accounts now, and I'm…