Hello, I would like to adress some mistakes with the event. Now I get that probably you guys have heard about all this, but it is still important to point out. Now obviously it is still extremely hard. With a top team you can maybe run it 3 times. So that alone would need to be dealth with. There is the daily coin bar that…
Well after downloading the patch I tried to log in and I have encountered the exact same problem. I am not sure how to approach this now. I patched tried to log and right when I need to go to character screen it crashes and this is the msg I get. http://prntscr.com/86w0xb Display driver stopped responding and has recovered.
So what was the date this was going to be fixed? I have not been able to play this game for more then a week now. That can't be what they want is it. When will this be sorted? It would be good if we were not being kept in the dark. I gave up trying stuff myself after having tried everything so unless you have 'the way'…
Some of the people are able to play in safe mode that is not even working for me in whichever resolution. So idk kinda tied here on what to do. The longer this takes the less appealing it will be to continue.
I tried almost everything said, but nothing is working. Is there going to be a general solution for this problem or do we have to figure it out with trial and error. I can tell you it is no fun at all XD