Two Cents, I believe the dev’s are purposely letting the class die. Everyone, including HR's, will be so fed up that removing the class all together will sound like the best option. Conspiracy? Well played sirs, well played.
Sounds interesting but I do like being able to have a choice as to how you want to play your class. My concern would be that A, they can’t seem get the HR right in the first place. And TWO, they more than likely won’t get the Hunter and the Ranger right either. Initially that is. In the chance that I might offend some one,…
As a GF, According to my character screen, my CON (24) is the primary stat and DEX (20) a secondary. If I were to respect, should I more or less revers those stats? Also, ArP Cap with 20 DEX should be 1371? Thnx, MrPoopyPants, worlds sexiest GF