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  • unfortunately there is a better reason that authors will not be allowed to 'open' script. open as in do anything they want. ever checked out 2nd life ? they have open scripting and about 10,000 different kinds of sex beds ect.. that include a varienty of activities to include some that are illegal to do for real. so why…
  • Taking a wild guess. All the classes at launch will be free. the rest will cost real money. That is good and bad. Bad....get out your credit card Good, since it will make them money, they have a really good reason to get them out quickly.
  • sad truth about bound gear. and why MMOs are filled with it. it reduces recycling of loot. 1 toon gets it, out grows it and it goes away. That makes players spend more in game money and provides a money sink. for normal rare loot drops as for bound store items, by making them unsellable, you make more money from cash…
  • Free access to foundry by all players. To create stuff. The better your created adventures are received, the more adventure slots you get. or you can just buy extra ones. Full access to all mobs, area building materials ect. in foundry. If it is in game, a foundry author can use it. Material added to the foundry library on…
  • 1st one is possible. you have version one of monster trigger an event at 50% hp, version one disapears, version 2 (looks the same but is NPC) takes his place (spawns) and it goes from there. or you kill version one, version 2 then spawns, gets up and you go from there. There are always work arounds. There are 3 BASIC…
  • It boils down to the question of... How close to 'sandbox' will character creation and developement be? Lots of 'functional' customization ? "functional' as opposed to purely decorative Some 'functional' customization or little customization. I will be a little concerned if they start pushing that there is a TON of…
  • Well, this is D+D 4e so The game's idea of a 'tank' may be different from the usual meaning in MMOs 4e is a LOT different from 3.5 rules...basically a completely different game. There will be a lot to adjust to.
  • More funny 4e rules stuff enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTa-eC2uzcs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azcn84IIDVg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KqjOGdOMtA&feature=fvwrel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYJGmYsHCUg&feature=fvwrel…
  • exterior files are out for legal reasons if someone could load up their own voice file...you KNOW what will happen. Hey ^#$%# get your (#&$% over here. same with textures...shields covered with a playboy bunny centerfolds or music....without the rights....law suits. nightmare We will only be able to use resources they give…
  • lol...well I did say it was a guess b:laugh
  • Ya, the flaming goes on and on. you used the example wow. count the normal servers, count the PvP servers compare ya
  • Cool idea but because it is an mmo, there are only a limited number of things UGC user generated content can interact with the main game. What they have done/can do They can have a menu where players can pick a UGC to play. They can have players rate those adventures and leave comments for the author. (kinda like a mini…
  • Current DDO player..in a permadeath guild Not happy with that games current direction (to become wow) so am checking out other options.
  • With STO under their belt, cryptic has learned alot. They had a few hard lessons with STO, as any company does with a radically new product. but You can expect them to make fewer mistakes in various aspects of the game, using what they have learned.
  • My best guess on what to expect...based on what I have seen in cryptic games and what they learned in STO. At launch - 5 man teams max Later down the road, 20 man areas that are similar to a raid but are sectioned in parts were players can leave or join at those points. The players get credit per section. Guilds - and…
  • If STO is any indication of PvP player population verses PvE population. 5% are hardcore PvP 5%-10% are casual PvP 85%-90% want nothing to do with PvP
  • The foundry I am used to using is the first version...call it version 1.0 NWNO would be version 3.0 So there is a lot of stuff that I will be able to do in NWNO that was not available to me in STO. So I would need to see the new tool build in detail, but I can give my best guess. fight followed by a change of heart -…
  • Lessons from STO Raids have their place, but if that is the extent of 'end game' they will be in trouble. As for PvP, only 5% of the players will want to do it exclusively, and at best 10% will do it at all. The 5 % is VERY vocal and tend to think it is 50% b:laugh NWNO's ace in the hole is foundry, as long as the tool is…
  • Gear..power..levels are all interconnected. My hope is that the difference in power between say a ..level 3 and a level 4 is similar to the difference between a level 8 and 9. if there are huge power jumps it is hard to group with other players. My personal preference on importance is Player skill > character developement…
  • Well, DDO is sliding over to the wow mind set. When you start jacking the gear unnaturally..you pay the price later. Kobalds that have 500 hp, and throw 10d6 lightning bolts <not joking> They do this to keep their customers happy. Powergamers. If they don't see a huge increases in power each level, they are not happy. You…
  • I agree with the above. I am experienced with foundry STO. Exploiting it is VERY hard. The author doesn't get to place treasure, or change mob drop rates, or even change basic mob statistics. (you could change the mob skin in STO, but that was it) You CAN choose what mob pops where, and its general level and how many. some…
  • I have used foundry extensively in STO. What it is - a great way to tell your story. What it is not - a great way to twink out your toon. There will be some game generated rewards based on game events. As in, complete 3 UGC user generated content in the next 3 hours and get bonus exp..and or random loot. For folks HOPING…