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  • Get hit really hard and gain the ability to run around like a decapitated chicken. I love it! I hope the AD cost isn't too high.
  • I agree with most of the people here saying that currency should be shared across all accounts. This makes sense for gold, AD, zen, tarmalune bars, event currencies, and almost everything else. However, I disagree in regards to Sharandar, Dread Ring, and now some of the Icewind Dale currencies. These things relate to…
  • For clarification, I didn't suggest an incognito browser window to hide the IP routing. Sometimes extensions such as ad blockers or script blockers can mess up things like this. At least in Chrome, incognito browsers have all extensions turned off by default, so it is an easy way to check for errors. I'm sure magenubbie is…
  • I'm in the United States and there's always offers when I check. Maybe try opening it in an incognito window if you're using Chrome (don't know what the terminology is for other browsers.)
  • I was wondering why my character was always in the combat stance. Indeed, please fix this.
  • I think there should be much more content for guilds, such as bases and maybe colors, but I disagree with having a symbol. The first thing people would do is draw sexual parts.
  • Is this the old Harper Windle? http://neverwinter.wikia.com/wiki/File:Harper_Windle.jpg Yesh! Those look horrible! Especially the men. I haven't really noticed such bad models on my characters since I play all female characters, but they are certainly not the same personalities now.
  • Thanks again everyone for the help! I ended up going with the build abaddon linked to earlier. HR will always be my first love, but dang playing a CW is fun!
  • I don't know that this is entirely true. When using Aspect of the Falcon, I am sometimes at the far edge of my range and I don't see the numbers pop up when I use Aimed Shot. I noticed it almost every run through Respen's Game because the grid lines on the floor made it easy to find my favorite spot for the end boss. On…
  • If you're really concerned about luring mobs in dungeons, a Fawn generally does nicely. I've not had aggro problems at all. If you really want an augment companion you could go with a cat, but that might be pushing the theme a bit too far into domesticated animals. Also my guild isn't so uptight to tell me how to play.…
  • I find it amusing (too sad to be funny) that people that have never played an HR, or only played HR through lvl 40ish, often say that HR is the easiest class to play. I never hear that from someone that has played an HR long enough to get full boons and regularly running through T2 dungeons, especially if they have another…
  • I already have a very good blue/T1 set for getting by, and I know what stat targets to aim for. What I'm looking for in this thread are what specific epic items work especially well for PvE archers. Thanks, heiltdo1, for mentioning the Pegasus rings. I've not even looked at the seal vendors in a long time and I've got a…
  • I didn't realize it had a target cap. I was suggesting that it should have one (among other things). Thanks for pointing this out.
  • Let's not argue about play styles. This has long been regarded a hallmark of the Ranger class - versatility. Some of us play exclusively archery, and that's ok. Some of us play exclusively melee, and that's ok. Some of us play hybrid, and that's ok. Some of us play nature path, and that's ok. Some of us love PvP, and…
  • That's part of why I started this thread. None of the 4/4 set bonuses look particularly appealing. What are you using for belt, rings, and neck? Also are the weaponsmithing specific epic weapons using the fragments from Dread Ring and Sharandar worth working for? I've not worked on the weaponsmithing profession at all.
  • It is extremely discouraging to see where they are going with Rangers. I'm going to rant, complain, and give feedback as much as I can before and after the changes to in effect. But I'm also not going to give up on this class. I love archery in RPGs. I've had at least one Ranger in every game I've played. I have a husband…
  • That does sound nice. I have a moderately high Strength so I could actually respec ability points into Con instead, which is what I planned. I'm leaning toward the plague fire enchantment mostly for the look. Blue fire is kinda my theme. Nice to know it won't be completely useless. :)
  • I'd do it in increments. Crit to 2000, then Armor Pen to 20%, then Crit to 3000, then Armor Pen to 24%, then Crit to 3500. Then if you PVP take the Armor Pen to 40%
  • I love the idea of Aimed Shot working as Split Shot. I'd also say to fire upon interrupt with reduced damage. The second suggestion can be done in the options. I don't know how exactly to get to it but if you dig a bit, it is in there
  • Soloing is pretty doable right now on the live server. I've also soloed Dread Spire regularly with a 11.5k GS. This isn't about what is current but the upcoming changes on the preview server.
  • I think I'll just take the recommendation to respec at 60 to get rid of the controlling action. As my 4th character, I really would like to avoid having to do the early content again. Even so, this has helped immensely :) I'd love to just get by with a feat respec rather than a full respec and you guys helped with that.…
  • Yikes! I meant for that to be 20. I'll change it in my post.
  • Wow. Lots of good advice here! Thank you all so much! I'm not sure that I'll do PvP. So far, the only character that I really enjoy it is on my GWF and even then it's really not my thing. I may have too little Con. I made this mistake when rolling my HR too and now I'm really suffering the consequences (planning on a…
  • Why is this such a big deal for so many people? I really don't care about being at the top of the paingiver or executioner charts. Even for a striker class, there are other classes that should regularly do more damage than HR, especially the GWF should be doing the most damage most of the time. I just don't see that as…
  • I have a full archery speced HR and I don't stand a chance soloing on the preview server. Switching to melee up close just gets me killed faster. Melee should be less powerful than archery for an archery speced HR, but it shouldn't be useless. Now I have a lowish GS (11.6 currently, was 12.5 but I swapped out some things…
  • Something I've always wanted and seen only in a few games is facial hair for female dwarves. Of course this should be optional, just as it is optional for male dwarves. I just want a beard on my shield matron!
  • Are you playing an HR? For some reason, Rangers have always had this problem.
  • I'm thrilled to these changes, but I'm still concerned about split shot. With a 45% cut, there really isn't any reason to slot it anymore. Dial that back to a 10%-25% cut and it would be much more in line with other at will powers. Actually I think that Split Shot needs to be reworked entirely. If I were to fix this, I…
  • I'm pretty surprised by the attitude of the players on this, as well as the generosity of the mods/devs/etc. So this is a bad deal. You're certainly free to talk about what a bad deal it is or encourage others to not buy it. However, doing so in the forums is akin to standing in a car dealership and ranting loudly about…
  • Umm.... dude, paper and dice RPGs are still around and new systems are still being made. Heck, this game is loosely based on a paper and dice system. Also there's still plenty of solo campaigns being made, but they're just not that common/popular. Now if you were to say that you played on the original D&D, then I might…