Interesting. On Twitter, when they bumped it up to 1pm PDT, they said they were working with Microsoft, so likely the update to Elemental Evil on Xbox is what is holding Strongholds up. Of course, on Twitter they also say it is 3pm PDT folks, so you might as well wait until tomorrow. They aren't likely going to get this…
While the level (Paladin LV63, my highest) and item requirements (93-96 per) stop me short from thinking about joining, I'd like to thank the Holy Crusader (who's name I forgot, sorry I'm terrible with them) that helped me out a few days ago when I entered into the Well of Dragons a little earlier than I should've. Wasn't…
If they are so worried about it in combat, why not just slice it in half? So you only get half the benefits from in combat, but at least you'd still get some benefit from having it. Having a stat that does you nothing in combat does feel wasteful.
People who ask to be "compensated" for a gift, really do not understand the word gift. I wish the few didn't spoil it for the rest of us. I was looking forward to the Trove. Thank you Cryptic for the swift reply. Appreciated.