Bad math... 40 bags will get you enough bones to buy 3 white dogs at the max 3 bones per bag... so... either you haven't bought 7 white ones or you've opened hella more than 40 bags, lol
Excellent post. FYI, I miss good old UO... before the stupid 3D overlay. Everyone had the same gear to work with.. no one exceeded 7x GM (other than the hide and poison exploits) PvP was all about teamwork. (UDL, baby!)
You'd expect that if they roll-back, they roll the zen back into your account, eh? I'm willing to bet that if you spent money to level the first time, you'll spend money again if you have to re-level, right?
4 Hours?... maybe they roll-back and we lose a week's worth? I'll be honest, I started a few days ago and it'll be almost like a free "re-spec" for me, hehe. In any event, nothing we say here is going to make anything happen any faster, right?
Sooo... everyone's posting "red dot" "green dot" remarks.. We're all in the same boat. How about we refrain from posting when we CAN'T get in and save the post for when we actually can? *grins*