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  • i meant THIS game is free to play so its resorces are up in the air. Never stated ff14 is f2p. My typing suckss so my fault on the misinfo i meant NW is f2p. :)
  • D&D was the inspiration of MMO, it was table top pnp rpg >> MUD which follow similar rulesets >> graphical MUD >> MMoRPG. only difference between and mmo and table top pp rpg is who the dm is. :) infact a lot of people said D&D is the grandaddy of video game rpg/mmorpg.
  • in inrony, d%d kinda invented rng.. or dice rolling :P
  • i've had it happen in and out of group content and protectors enclave.
  • just fyi, these measures don't work rmt don't care about level gates they just bot or have 24 hr players to jump the level gates. a better fix is an easier report/block function.
  • i agree with resizing. Think we as a community need to set up some etiquette on pick up and role stuff after fights before moving on, cuz tanking sucks when that loot box is in ur face. I ran into traps a few times cuz this shi -head desk-
  • actually most mmo do the healer dps thing :) but there is a nich who like to purely heal. And im still new to the game, but i can see people building pure healers (to a degree) And I apologise for not stating a complete thought, I meant the pure healervs dps healer debate you see. I hate pure healing actually its very dull…
  • havving issues too with this, did the pit and i wasn't in the group.
  • Im getting the same issues though, Did most the ps4 players come from dcuo online? Im seeing a huge disconnect on players va roles. I ran 3-man dungeons and 1-2 people just bum rush forward even skipping mob which then aggro me, people run across traps. Heck sometimes I load up but not really in the group. As in how to use…
  • Im shocked they just didn't release the pc version just on both x-box and ps4. Seems counter-intuitive to have 3 plateforms on 3 different versions (not complaining it just weird to me)
  • ever think to maybe communicate? Maybe players felt it was the healers job to do pick ups, like in most games where healers revive. who knows maybe they didn't know you can revive other players. maybe they didn't see the message? this game has weird text chat set up between queue group group, group chat. pro tip though...…
  • erm some people like playing pure healers.... (i'll never understand this healer/dps stuff...)
  • same here ff11 and ff14, and tons of f2p mmo. Also tons of video games not mmo. that's why i made this thread just for a reply if it was a bug or removed intentionally. It was a free mount that is nice to have, not something people are even frothing at the mouth. none of us here are acting like "entitled" people like those…
  • this game better then ff14 1.0.....
  • All mmo have clear cut advertisment on how long promo items are around. This include f2p and p2p promo. The tiger didn't have anything noting it was a limited offer same went fior ay news or anything about it. I don't think you really understand what is being said and should take a step back, and think before posting. not…
  • again no one is stating anything except the sudden disappearebce to an item and asking if it was a bug or intentional, as game companies give out statements or dates of their promo items, or events. It was there till this last patch witch didn't state its removal. But no one here that i've read is complaining. I;m not,…
  • Actually they do, every game I played that had promo items stated a start and end date for reclaim, This spans all the way to early intergration of internet connectivity to console systems. And early internet useage on pcs. No one in this post, nor myself is claiming they deserve it. I just wanted to ask if this was…
  • thats my boat it was just on the items pretty much anyone on ps4, the common to uncommon wasn't anything but making it a green item vs white nothing stated as being removed from claims reward.
  • ya not there for me trying to see if it was a bug or not. The only thing the patch notes for ps4 listed was they bumped it from common to uncommon stated it was cosmec only, nothing on it being removed from claim rewards.
  • ahh ok, just weird they didn't say anything about the removal, and stuff. I'm not in hyper need of it, just was curious if it was a bug or not.
  • the tiger and illusionist are given from account linking. Which I found weird that one was removed but not both, I also had no AD to respec, and no real money to put o the game yet. It was there till this patch, which they changed it from common to uncommon but stated it was jusr a cosmentic change. Nothing stated it's…
  • is the text chat tweak direct to chat typing? I hope so.
  • every mmo pc or console is like this. as i've stated on here. this thread pops up in every mmo pc or console.
  • will do but typically /em in mmo i've played are player made emoting. question as well, is there a site or sticke'd thread with neverwinter jargon explination? Everyone who talk about this game states its not a pick up and play game. I've had trouble understanding the combat stats, secondary stats, class/role jargon this…
    in PS4 FAQs Comment by firosa August 2016
  • I've had this issue I tried to run a 2 man dungeon and during the first queue no one would click go and it cancled. I tried to requeue and loaded up with in a group with a disconnented person not even in the dungeon. I couldn't remove the person or leave the party. And the two people i ran with pretty much ran through the…
  • erm.. this is in all rpg.... since well pnp D&D (the irony) but as a long time mmo player seeing the shift from nich to mainstream with wow launch most people don;t care for rpg basics, and make excuses, call people try hards and claim their too casual to care and just want content done claiming to have real lives. Even…
  • dude look up the definition of insanity. Or i can link far cry 3 if you wish. But what you typed has been typed before. I have seen this topic before on EVERY MMO EVER. i'm wondering if you are the same poster on each of the mmo's i've seen this topic on (but i know you're not) it is how the genre is. ff11, wow, dcuo, aion…
  • i can't help ya, but all mmo i've played it is the way it is. the ps4 version is new and not up on par with the pc version or xbox version. but all mmo are like this now. you grind the same content for tokens to get endgame gear to get into bigger content ti grind more tokens to get endgame gear... i should start linking…
  • its how free to play mmo seem to work on consoles. ff14 is cross plateform same servers, but patching comes out the same time with ps3 ps4 and pc. this might be a resource thing, as in to push the process you need the cash. Free to play games don't require any sub fees and cash shop money is up and down. Infact naoki…
  • I've been playing mmo since 2004 with ff11 on ps2 and since wow's launch, game devs have been emulating it with their mmo such as dcuo, ff14 which releases content in large patches and catch up content in small patches. It is also a free to play game, with its recources up in the air based on cash shop buying. The devs…