So I assume that the Finale is now over at 7am instead of the 9am previously posted? That's a little disappointing for those of us who planned to get up this morning and have some last minute finale fun. Still, great to see you guys officially launching. Congrats!
Sorry to keep bumping. I have tried numerous lowered graphic settings, updated all the drivers I could find, and I am still having this issue. It is difficult to play with the frequent freezing. I can ctrl-alt-del to the task manager screen and cancel to get it moving again, but its frustrating when I lose half my health…
Would Mystra be cheating? Ok, let's see. Elminster is the obvious choice, but I will forego the next obvious one of Drizzt and instead take Laeral Silverhand, Qilu
Yes and Yes! The Foundry is the part of Neverwinter that I am anticipating most. Playing great content created by the community and getting a chance to develop my own adventures. How much better could it get?
All of them! Hmm, if I have to choose one, I will start with Human. I know, dull right, but that's my goto D&D race since I first started in 1981. Second... Can't wait to try a Tiefling! :)
I plan on experiencing as much of the game as I can so that I will be able to report back to my friends and guild on all the cool things. Hopefully I will experience enough to entice them to come join in the fun!