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  • Feast of the Moon Reign of Misrule
  • I think we can all agree GWF are broke atm. I was mainly just comparing TR and CW. The thing is that the people who made the game said GWF was a dps/offtank and that TR is primary dps. They are not listed as primary dps secondary anything. The whole reason GWF probably got the nerfs it did was because they were doing so…
  • TR does not need a nerf, in fact I think they took the last nerf a bit too far. They should not of removed all the stealth bonus damage from the class. I can't comment totally on GWF needing a boost, but judging by what I see from vid's of people playing them they do seem a bit subpar lower levels for sure. To be fair CW's…
  • How much of that 2200 was on cash shop items and how much was on the actual game and monthly fees? The most I have ever paid for an online game is dark age of camelot I played for roughly 25 months over a 5 year period and probably spent a total of 400 dollars on it.
  • Dude, really? You can't think of any better ways to spend 200 dollars? 1. 200 dollars can feed a hell of a lot of hungry people. I promise if you spent 200 dollars on a charity you would feel a lot better about it then spending it on a digital sword for your lvl 60 dwarven beserker. 2. Goes a long way towards a plane…
  • This game levels superfast regardless I agree. I am not arguing with you or with anyone in this topic that this item should not be in the game. Heck you founders helped get the game out there and deserve some cool things like that. I do think that it can be considered overpowered. That does not mean I think it should be…
  • 1, at what point did I say anyting about 200 dollars in that quote? I personally know people who have spent over 2,000 dollars just to get a speeder in games like swtor. 2. 200 dollars is a lot of money to drop on an item in a video game. To my mind you would either have to be rich or extremely addicted to opening up…
  • As far as time frames go, I have no clue. I don't really keep up with time well, but I started playing online games early mid nineties prolly 93 or 94 and I never paid for a dial up connection. AOL was definitely in full bloom tho. I used other stuff than NetZero, I just remember it because it is by far the best one there…
  • I think it is definately overpowered for lvl 1 which is when you can start using it right? P2W can also refer to PVE content, for instance using items from cash shops in an endgame dungeon that would normally require some hardship with items that you got from playing the game before actually getting the items from the…
  • I played online games during that time and I played through free connections like NetZero.
  • I agree lol, I am just trying to enforce that FTP is a gimmick I could do without. I don't think it ends up being a good thing, just like I don't think heroin is a good thing >.< As far as being entitled to the full game for free...why yes, yes I am. Because they are giving it to me, and other people are the ones that are…
  • I don't have as much of an issue with people buying things that other people can get, outside of competitive things like pvp based gear anyway. It is selling stuff that is better than what people can obtain, especially when they sell it in "packs" making it so that only incredibly rich people or people who won't be able to…
  • To remark on your paragraph about how rpg's used to be... I don't think you know what the heck your talking about. Name me some of these RPG"s that did not involve grinding, or any rpg ever that charged by the hour. Maybe those games existed in countries outside the USA and I never heard of them. But in general it is the…
  • I don't care how much you work. That has nothing to do with anything for anyone other than yourself. Please stop telling us what a good little drone you are. MMO's and good RPG's in general consist of redundant activities, making those activities fun is the mark of a good game. Saying you find doing them mindless and…
  • Sorry I was not really referring to the OP weapon, It was more a reference to the person who wants games to be pay to win. The only serious problem I have with the ridiculous weapon for 1 to 20 or so is that it sets a bad example for things that will more than likely happen in the future. It is like ok! So if we can get…
  • I have no problem with Play to Win. I have many many issues with Pay to Win. 1. If rich people want to pay hundreds of dollars to play a game where they are OP because they got items that people without hundreds of dollars to spend have no way of matching then those people should all be put on a server together instead of…
  • I did not get to play bw4, but based on the changes I saw, the class to play in pvp is going to be Control Wizard. Rogues will I think still be pretty fun, but they are going to get mauled by the cc from multiple control wizards and priests. GWF is probably going to be bottom of the barrel, with the only thing going for…
  • Actually the you think was directed towards great fighters and pve. I said do NOT think towards rogues. Don't misquote.
  • While they may of gotten a nerf, I highly doubt it would of been changed to the extent it was, they pretty much removed all out of stealth bonus damage from the class. While Rogues did do some superlative pve damage, they are the only dps class currently in the game. And it is much easier to for most players to overlook…
  • I did not have to read it, it was obvious. Nerfing a rogues burst damage was obviously a pvp issue. Don't have to read it. And if they said otherwise I would not even believe it.
  • I feel like if Cryptic did one thing right in this game it was having so many different content options. The major drawback for most mmo's is that it loses appeal to players when they have done everything 200 million times. By giving a mmo so many different things to do whether all of them appeal to all players or not is a…
  • Sorry I missed your post so I guess you answered for me, thanks ;p THe guy who was making assumptions about why I was asking kinda pissed me off and I didn't read the rest of the posts as well as I should of.
  • Wow thanks for all the troll posts. All I asked was if there is a return policy a simple yes or no would of sufficed, to the guy assuming I wanted to buy the pack just for Beta access your wrong. The main reason I want to buy it is for early access. The past few games that I have pre-ordered gave out early access based on…