My main is 14k devoted paladin, i can't find a party to tong or even fbi :'( Other post said the current dungeon one shot machine is aimming for player's self heal via lifesteal to making them too tanky. And they can't nerf lifsteal that some class may not able to complete the solo content. If that so, why not just add a…
so the second part of mod 10 is coming...hmm...i still haven't run FBI yet even my main already got enough Everfrost Resistance to earn a entry ticket :/
"following restrictions until you have progressed a certain amount in the main quests:" can you set this barrier randomly? you know those third party will still finally figure out the certain amount. and for the mails, how about make a contact list that only allow to mail accepted friends & guild mates?
speak of the agro, looks like the devs forgot why GF was buffered their damage and may same old situation to OP now. once again....why nerf Shield of Faith? even with current -50%, teammates sometimes still got 1 shot kill. -30% and increase healing? please don't make me laugh, my teammate is dead how can i…
What nerf? why nerf GWF?!!! not every GWF with 20k crti and 40k power. 3k CW and SW can out DPS 3.5k GWF in CN, is that I can said their OP and need nerf?
Sorry... what is the "Power Changes" means? Is it means the some key cores of this game will be improve or it is about class's power & stat "Power" going to change?
"Neverwinter is a gear-focused game. Not only does most of your combat effectiveness come from your equipped items, but they’re also what make your character look cool." Please Don't make me laugh, the enchantment visual effect already override the gear outlook, it is not cool, please re adjust how the visual effect apply…
two new botter will be appear: 1. botter in pvp match, they will just wait the match finish then get ur AD up to 7200, image 10 v 10 match, how it will rune the pvp , 2. botter in Skirmishes, they will just bot action and wait till the skirmishes finish then get ur AD up to 7200 Please use ur wisdom to consider every…
The game is unable to play, I don't know what algorithm or data transfer technology that u using on the game, before the battle start, i have around 250 ping, but when the battle, it lag as hell, i had been dead cuz lag, plz improve it:mad:
Can any Devs or account manager can look at my account issue? I can't copy my characters to preview shard on this link In my Arc account page, I don't even have a sign up button!? I have 8 characters for all class and really want to test the new changes of GWF, CW, HR to see whats impact…
Is that true? Are Devs planning to do those change? I am wondering why not add one more effect into tenancy like the perception in champions online, which is increase the distance to see/detect invisible/stealth objects base on how many tenancy you got.:cool:
It is a very bad idea that two classes share one paragon. Don't you see it? If the share Paragon (IV:rolleyes:) is op for 1 class (GWF:p), then when there are some nerf change to this paragon, it will also affect the other class (GF:mad:).
Thanks for your suggestion again, but it still not working. I think its the issue relate to my account. I had tried to create a brand new account, and the new account was able to sign up and do the copy character thing with same Browser. I have no idea how to fix it and the PWE/Cryptic "Support" not able to lodge new…
I am appreciate your reply and advise, but it is not working for me. There is not "sign up". On that page, it display this message: "There are no test servers available for your account on this game. Public Test Server In an effort to ensure that our games provide the best possible experience for their players, we allow a…
I was imagined if Dev can combine GF and GWF to 1 fighter class, it will use tab to switch between Grate weapon and shiled & long sword like HR, then unstoppable move to daily power...,will it be a op class?:cool:
This preview patch is feel like nerf all class to make the dungeon harder and take longer time to finish it. Nerf the survivability of GWF to make the GF to be necessary in every dungeon. (I play both GWF and GF)
All CC abilities changes are ok for me, but nerf Unstoppable, it is reducing their survivability on PVE, we don't have any dodge abilities. It looks like forcing us to play Sentinels Feat. Therefore, when you remove prone CC in PVP, can you modify the Unstopable and ITC CC immunity while their active, but remove CC break…
After I login my account on the luncher, there is no preview shard I can select. If I try copy my characters to preview shard on the preview sign up page. It display a message "There are no test shards avaiable for your account." I regist another new empty account. It is able to select the preview shard on the luncher and…