Giving an amount of AD to everyone won't solve anything, prices will go up. Do you even economy? They can easily give your Zen and founder's pack stuff back. Only thing you'll lose is time. They need to do a full wipe to actually solve this problem.
Satisfactory is a matter of opinion. Many of us are not satisfied. This bug has been going on since day one. Only option to actually fix what went wrong is a full wipe. If it's called a beta, treat it like one. If not, this is just the live release with "beta" as an excuse for mistakes.
All the way to day one. If this really is a beta, that shouldn't be a problem. Let people keep their Zen they bought with real money, and let it go from there.
This 7 hour rollback won't solve the problem. This exploit has been going on since day one. All this does is punish the masses that found out while having the ones that have done it since day one a free pass. Terrible job guys. The millions of AD that were exploited before 5am will still be out there and will still trash…