you might wanna change your signature, the last thread was closed because of discussion of bans and having that in your sig might lead to a forum ban or something. glad to see that this is back under a different name.
wow, why was this banned? the only thing that it couldve been for was the blood and sand title, i dont see how hard it couldve been to change the name if necessary.
he was playing the game, that isnt an exploit. i did one once for the daily foundry quest, it was incredibly boring, but if someone likes something i dont, it doesnt mean they arent playing the game.
id appreciate 1 free respec per character at 60 but when leveling i dont see any need for it so far, the skills and stuff get mostly filled. also the price is a bit high, i think reduce it down to $4 to be a bit fairer, but its their store so they can charge what they want.
I dont care if its rhetorical, im going to answer. By looking at other online 'shops' you can see that it does, steam being the best example. They may make more per unit by charging more but in theory they should be making more overall if they charge reasonable/bargain prices. You cant guarantee it ofc in the same way you…
no matter how many times you say the game has launched, its still in beta. beta implies that there are bugs that still need to be fixed/found and that content is potentially incomplete (as is the case here). how anyone can look at this game and say that its a launch is beyond me, its clearly still in beta.
i dont think so unfortunately, i like the game but this may be the issue that causes me to quit, it makes dungeons frustrating as a tank because i can have the animation to block an attack up in time but because of the ping i still get hit which removes my mark.
Thats more because 100 lockboxes are worth approx 50 zen (if youre using the price of them when buying from shop, even less from ah) so its not worth trading them for a key.
Theres no simple way, ah well hopefully they add it in the future. I'm just fiddling about with foundry atm so i wasn' relying on it immediately or anything. thanks for the help guys.
ultima online had the best player housing ive seen, the only problem with it was the amount and where they could be placed. fields of houses was annoying.
people who make this trade really are stupid. the only reason i see this being offered though is because people pick some up and dont now their value, they just see purple and assume its worth something.
the prices could do with being dropped a little but the store is fine and anyone who complains about the store existing has a deficiency in their logic
you dont HAVE to do that, you could do it over 2 years. pretty sure its just the celestials that disappear after not going in for a day. could be wrong ofc.