I find the GWF entertaining to play; since the only semblance of a point to this activity is to while away the hours until death claims me, that's the only factor that really matters.
I turned $20 into Zen, $5 of which I spent on two more character slots, another $10 on keys. I'm idly considering dropping the remaining $5 on a mount, might look into some bag or bank space instead. I'll probably buy another two character slots once the Ranger is released.
They shouldn't wipe now, at this point there's no way they can be confident there aren't more undiscovered bugs; if they're going to wipe they should wait at least another couple of weeks.
I'm a newb, my highest character is 12, so I don't particularly care whether there's wipe, or a new server, I just feel compelled to point out that if I wanted my time to feel valuable I wouldn't spend it playing video games...