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  • What are you even talking about? It happens all the the freaking time! It's just ridiculous that you keep trying to say it doesn't. Just stop. Something like this should never happen. It should have been fixed 5-6 months ago when it was first reported. HAH! Who do you think is writing the checks? No connection? C`mon,…
  • It DOES consistently happen! Are you kidding me? It happened pretty much every time I went into a dungeon in recent memory. It happened about 1 in 4 or 5 PvP matches. It's insane! There is absolutely no excuse to not have such major issues fixed by now. It's a red flag showing that the people running this game have very…
  • You are so naive. This game's support/development is garbage, any game company or dev team worth their salt would not launch a game with such an extreme gameplay bug (and yes, there are plenty of others but this is the worst one I've seen personally). Yet here we are, months after "launch". What a joke... I and others have…
  • I know, it sucks. Apparently the devs dgaf.
  • It's still here. LOL
  • Yep, and it was reported on earlier than this... unbelievable. *smh*
  • LOL! You're kidding right? This isn't a heads up... people have been screaming for a fix in countless threads since the very beginning of the game. And only now you are acting like you just discovered this, as the titles says, and in every sense of the word, gamebreaking bug? Like others said, it is very insulting to say…
  • I quit this game a few weeks ago because they hadn't fixed the horrible Unstoppable bug. So I come back to check out Feywild updates and sure enough, after only 2 PVPs my Unstoppable bugs out! Leaving me useless for the entire match... Un-HAMSTER-believable!!! Not only that but Unstoppable seems all jacked up now and its…
  • So... how's the fix coming along? Should I just stop playing now or is a fix going to be implemented? I mean, should I mention that open beta started over 4 months ago and the game is officially launched right now? I can not fathom how this bug would be anything but priority #1 for ANYTHING to do with this class... don't…
  • I've seen a couple suggestions on how to fix it (they didn't seem to work for me with any consistency) with out logging out but 80-90% of the time it requires relogging to fix. In pvp or pve you can die and do just about anything and it will not fix it. Sometimes it just starts working again, like it did for me after I…
  • First time I've done a dungeon in over a week and whattaya know?! Unstoppable breaks when we are killing the final boss! I was the only DPS on the boss and I literally could not do any damage to the boss without unstoppable, so we were essentially stopped in our tracks with no way to kill the boss. Luckily, when I…
  • Sure, but I'll take a fix to Unstoppable before any single other change or fix is made. This is getting beyond ridiculous...
  • It's great as an escape mechanism, positioning, building AP (when you hit mob groups with it), and keeping Onslaught up if you have 4/4 AoW set. Can you show your pet items? I'm curious what you consider the BiS icon. Thx
    in Meeggtoast Comment by evo404 July 2013
  • Sounds familiar. This is what I'm talking about. Not just a single 3-5 sec ITC. It seems to go on for the entire fight until I die because I can't touch him/them.
  • Yea I guess I don't care enough to mangle my character with HP/tene build. I play this game to smash in PvE as well as PvP. I feel like my build is the best of both worlds. Certainly not garbage at PvP. If that means getting 1 hit by a rogue every once in a while then so be it. Just shake it off, respawn, and go find the…
  • How much HP/Defense do you have? Because I have 22k HP and 1,800-1,900 defense. I've been one hit several times with plenty to spare.
  • Well there are TR's out there that will one hit you (25-30k crits) if you don't do the HP build that is mentioned. I don't think there is a whole lot you can do about it unless you stack HP. I have no interest in that because I love my high DPS in PvP and PvE. So I just have to bite the bullet when I get nearly 1 hit by TR…
  • I don't know who/what you're hitting for 50k or what you're smoking but you ain't gonna be hitting me for anywhere near that. The highest I've ever been hit for is 25-30k in many, MANY pvp matches. That was from BiS TRs with likely perfect Vorp. You... with your "lvl 5s" and "no vorpal"? Please... do you realize how…
  • So what you're saying is the 1.5% from Con Focus feat shows up but the default ArmPen (RI) from Con doesn't? When you say you have 10% RI does that mean you have 19 CON (which according to freehugs post is 10.35 to be exact)? I have 18 so I guess I wouldn't quite get as much % bonus as you but it still sounds like a nice…
  • Happened to me twice in a very short amount of time last night. My ISP was lagging extremely bad at the time so maybe that had something to do with it.
  • I don't know if it's working as intended or not but it also doesn't give any ArmPen for the Recovery you get from the Ioun Stone.
  • You are very lucky. It's happened to me at least a dozen time in PvP alone. Probably another dozens times in dungeons. It's the most rage inducing thing every time it happens. It makes me wanna puke thinking about how long this game has been out and this bug has not been fixed and only now getting a response from a Dev…
  • I love the look of the cloak but my current equipt neck wont let me change appearance. Anyone know what's up with that?
  • I have 5 points left to spend aswell and I've been debating on between these two feats (Battle Awareness and Deep Gash) for a long time now. I still can't decide. Can anyone say if one is a must have over the other? I do spam slam a lot in PvE but I also have very high crit rate, pushing 50% with weapon master up. I don't…
  • I've noticed this too. Maybe it has something to do with the Instigator feat that adds extra stun to Flourish? I thought Shocking ex was supposed to ignore defense or something.
  • Great! So now Unstoppable not only breaks all the time but it doesn't actually make us unstoppable anymore...
  • Very expensive, indeed. I've also heard that Lightning is the best for overall dungeon DPS, particularly at greater and perfect level with the chain lightning. But I believe the best for PvP and single target boss killing has got to be Vorpal (while still being good for AoE). These are things I really wanted so that's why…
  • That's what I use while sometimes swapping WM out for Bravery when more tank is needed. Before I got my Vorpal I was using steel blitz but now I can't pass up the flat 10% crit rate boost from WM. It looks like you have Lightning so I would guess Steel Blitz is going to be your best option for more procs. I really like…