while running a Lomm on my tank i noticed i lost 20k hp from when i'am standing solo. I should have gained 10k Hp from vip bonuses and if i did get the vip bonuses then i lost 30k hp. Note that i do have 3 tales of old artifacts and the set bonus changing may contribute to the loss or be where all the loss is coming from.
You only get hp from augments. Your other stats should still increase even without out an augment. With an augment its 100% of all its stats even hp and bondings bonus on top of that (which don't increase your hp). Normal comps don't give you hp and overall give less stats but do some damage and can give Combat advantage.
Have u tried dropping the runemaster sinye rune etched armor quest and then picking it back up again? The enhanced runic resonator may have become bugged and not count as if its in your inventory. I had the same thing happen to me for a day when i dropped the runemaster sinye rune etched armor quest and lost the enhanced…
Micky1poo i was just agreeing with leonidrex. I never posted anything about 10% or whatever. What i did say was that TR's power buffs (plural read carefully) gave alot more than their base power as a buff which is true. If TRs are worse than mod 13 that means they went too far with the nerf . The same as with SW's when…
Because the gwf's 25% buff increases their base stat power. All the tr's power buffs don't work as intended and give ALOT more than their base power. Even if they get rid of slams 25% base power buff it doesn't matter many gwf use relentless battle fury build( 20% more at will and encounter damage plus a group buff etc.…
Have u ever beat the quests solo? if not give it a try. I have never had a problem with any of the quests but i have never done them in groups. Might have just sent u on a wild goose chase though.
Can't even connect to account server today. Went to forums to see if the servers were down or something. Nope it seems like an ongoing problem has finally reached me lol.
The new 100k RAD refining cap really isn't a big deal (except to people with armies of alts of course). The only problem for me is they made it harder to get the 100k rad with only 4 ques in the new system rewarding only 35k rad available from them before salvaging. 1 que being castle ravenloft with no rough ad and another…
The Con Artist debuff still stacks with other con artists but it falls under the diminished returns buff/debuff soft cap of 300% instead of separate of the old 200% buff/debuff.
Well 930 seals of the brave this week so far. I'm begging to think there is no max seals a week lol. Or its super glitched i'am not sure yet which one. Going to send in a report bug ticket after double seals.
I hate to answer my own question but the damage buff from the Charm of the Serpent artifact apparently does stack, at least on pc. If anyone would like to confirm or deny this on Xbox or Ps4 please do.
I have had the same problem on xbox one since yesterday with 1 of my characters the others are fine. I sent in a ticket hopefully they can fix the problem i suggest you do the same.