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  • I'm bumping this thread because the previous thread about some of these bugs got buried. PvP is all I do and because of these bugs the experience is becoming rather intolerable. The rogue bug has been reported for days, and it is still not fixed, and it's affecting a huge amount of games. I can wait for new maps, new pvp…
  • An update: I realized that it is not just shocking execution, but has something to do with daze. It doesn't have to be smoke bomb though, one of my DC was from dazing strike. I am no longer sure what exactly triggers it, and it seems some people don't get it. It could be due to some video setting. It would be easier to…
  • I know what it is now, but I cannot be 100% sure. If you kill someone with shocking execution, the person is likely to disconnect. I've checked my combat log for the cases I dc'ed, and 3 out of 3 times it was dying to shocking execution. I'm not sure if you have to be dazed also, which seems to be the case in 2 of the 3…
  • This is making pvp unplayable in some cases. It has to do with being killed while dazed. Not sure what the exact skill combo is, but it has ruined many of my winning games because the enemy rogue heavily abuses this. Please look into this asap as it will destroy pvp in this game.
  • I come from PoE, and you cannot be more wrong. First of all, PoE items aren't character bound. You can experiment builds by leveling a new character to reasonably high level, and then pass him the gear you've collected on your other characters. In this game you are forced to both level up a new char and find a new copy of…