#6 is a population balance problem that I'm not sure is ever solvable. This game, like many other RPGs, depends for its grouping mechanics upon a variation of the heal/tank/dps division of activities. The "tank" activity is not really relevant here, having been replaced with "kite" and "control" activities. In any case,…
Just look at it like it is a jumping puzzle. Once you know it, it's fine. Getting players willing to show you and getting grouped with players expecting you to know the route like the back of your hand is frustrating.
I'd like to agree with this statement, but there are clearly build and power selections that are MUCH better. So much better in fact that content goes from being difficult if not impossible to being quite doable if not easy. There is a guide floating about in this forum, but I can't recall where.
How can this possibly be like pen and paper? In pen and paper, you've got a creative DM right there who can adjust the adventure to be interesting and challenging to whatever group mix the players want to throw at him. In a computer game, there are only so many responses and choices that can be coded in. The OP already…
It's been done. To death. Neverwinter is interesting not for replicating all the other MMOs. It's interesting for the things it does differently. The only valid point in the OP's list is #8. Bugs.
Cheer up. That T1 loot could have been a blue. Then you wouldn't even be able to salvage it. They've got to put in such grinds in order to make the most advanced content more prestigious and to hide it behind a low pay wall. Try playing the game to have fun. The gear will wear out and be useless in a couple months. Then…
Just ran through epic Karrundax with all the trash skipping techniques. At first I was mildly annoyed but then I decided to think of it as a jumping puzzle, which can itself be fun. If Cryptic isn't planning on adjusting the dungeons for these methods could they just make them clearly legit by eliminating the intentional…
Having more classes than necessary to fill all the roles just creates balance problems. Your DM can easily adjust the adventure to suit the players in a tabletop game, but this is an online game.
None. Having more classes than necessary to fill all the roles just creates balance problems. Your DM can easily adjust the adventure to suit the players in a tabletop game, but this is an online game.