I'll give you some advice, put yourself in the customer's shoes. If you do not complain nothing happens. My tickets were also diplomatically in the beginning. I'm probably too attached to the support in Switzerland. sorry for my choice of words.
admin --> 1. delete my current bugged account 2. make a new one with my email AND A "NO CONFLICT NAME" (choose a name, I dont care) or i can do that step. 3. switch the Founder Package to the new account 4. refund 50% of the payed amount 5. send an email to me with the infos 6. we are all happy
best ticket answer: login account vs. nickname: The account registered to this email address currently has no bans. Make sure you are logging in to the games with your account name and not your display/forum name, and that your games have been successfully patched and are up to date. The other thing we may suggest is that…
correct, if we can only play on friday, they HAVE TO refund us 50% of the payed amount back. there is no other solution, i don't care about items or fireworks.
come on fix this name problem.. heyrogers check my account choose any name for me... i dont ******* care about the name. and: it has been resolved for new users not really.. i am a new user.. the german support (ticket - 130425-000024) can't even help. they set the status of my ticket to solved.. and the problem isn't…